
PHP Array handling for first children

I'm so tired of arrays today - thrown me all over the place. So, here's the output of an array: Array ( [2010091907] => Array ( [home] => Array ( [score] => Array ( [1] => 7 [2] => 17 [3] => 10 ...

Create PHP grid

Since it was so difficult draw a question out of the basic description I gave earlier, Here's a direct question: How can I loop through an array of entries in a database and display a table with three columns. Here's an example of basically what I need for each iteration in the loop: <table> <tr><td> <div>Name</div> <div><img s...

PHP: foreach variable assignment and referencing: how-to?

I have an array: $aPerfparse as 2-dimensional array where index ranges from 0 to n-1, * aPerfparse[index]['label'] - label of the perfdata * ['value'] - actual perfdata * ['uom'] - unit of measurement (might be NULL) Need to iterate through each item and set each ...

C# foreach - Is collection computed with each iteration?

Possible Duplicate: How does foreach work when looping through function results? Title has the heart of the question in it. Here's an example scenario to flesh it out some more. foreach(something thing in GetSomethings()) { dosomething } Lets say GetSomethings has side effects. Will GetSomethings be executed once or will ...

Is there an equivalent to 'continue' in a Parallel.ForEach?

I am porting some code to Parallel.ForEach and got an error with a continue I have in the code. Is there something equivalent I can use in a Parallel.ForEach functionally equivalent to 'continue' in a foreach loop? Parallel.ForEach(items, parallelOptions, item => { if (!isTrue) continue; }); ...

Overload indexer to have foreach'able class

I tried to do something like this but this doesn't work: class Garage { private List<Car> cars = new List<Car>(); public Car this[int i] { get { return cars[i]; } } //... } Garage g = new Garage(); //get CS1579 - no GetEnumerator definition foreach ...

js equiv of php's foreach($arr as $k=>$v)

Lets be clear, I'm not asking for for(var i in list) I want the key assigned to a variable as well. ...

Playing nicely with "for each" in ActionScript?

Lets say I have an ActionScript class: MyClass and that class has data in it. Now, lets say I want to iterate over that data using "for each": var myData:MyClass = new MyClass(); myData.Populate(fromSource); for each(var item in myData) { DoSomethingWith(item); } Of course, this does nothing, because MyClass is a custom class, and...

Using null coalescing in foreach statement

Hey All Trying to figure out how to get the null coalescing operator to work in a foreach loop. I'm checking to see what a string ends with and based on that, route it to a certain method. Basically what I want to say is.... foreach (String s in strList) { if s.EndsWith("d") ?? Method1(s) ?? Method2(s) ?? "Unknown file type"; } ...

C#: Parallel.ForEach() vs. foreach(IEnumerable<T>.AsParallel())

Erg, I'm trying to find these two methods in the BCL using Reflector, but can't locate them. What's the difference between these two snippets? A: IEnumerable<string> items = ... Parallel.ForEach(items, item => { ... }); B: IEnumerable<string> items = ... foreach (var item in items.AsParallel()) { ... } Are there different ...

foreach struct weird compile error in C#

namespace MyNamespace { public struct MyStruct { public string MyString; public int MyInt; public bool MyBool; } public class MyClass { private List<MyStruct> MyPrivateVariable; public List<MyStruct> MyVariable { get { if (MyPriv...

xsl for-each: add code block every n rows?

I am trying to transform a bit of xml which represents an image gallery into an html table. (it must be done with html and not with css). How do I add the row break </tr><tr> every six or so columns with xsl? I have this: <xsl:for-each select="//email/gallery" > <td><img> <xsl:attribute name="src"> <xsl:value...

PHP Loop Question

I have an application that contains a gallery page of user uploaded images. I am trying to show the images on a page using a foreach loop, but am having some problems with building the foreach loop. This is the way the HTML is supposed to be formed <div class="item"> <ul> <li><a href="images/gallery/love1.jpg" rel="example1" ...

how to use in foreach for array_keys

hi Guys, i need to get data from array_keys the script i use in the server side: PHP: $friends = json_decode(file_get_contents( '' . $facebook->getAccessToken() ), true); $friend_ids = array_keys($friends); the data of array look as above: { "data": [ { "name": ...

PHP load array from file foreach

I have this code: require("class.XMLHttpRequest.php"); function hot($news){ $url="https://localhost/search.aspx?search=".$news.""; $ajax=new XMLHttpRequest(); $ajax->setRequestHeader("Cookie","Cookie: host"); $ajax->open("GET",$url,true); $ajax->send(null); if($ajax->status==200){ $rHeader=$ajax->getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie")...

Weird AS3 variable behaviour

OK, so here's what I'm trying to do: I have a landing page with 3 buttons on it, and I have 3 corresponding external swf files, one for each button... so the user clicks a button and the corresponding swf file is loaded into an empty MC on the stage. Now each of these external swf files also contains several buttons and each of these bu...

Create associative array from Foreach Loop PHP

I have this foreach loop: foreach($aMbs as $aMemb){ $ignoreArray = array(1,3); if (!in_array($aMemb['ID'],$ignoreArray)){ $aMemberships[] = array($aMemb['ID'] => $aMemb['Name']); } } This prints out the right fields but they are arrays inside arrays. I need the foreach loop to output a simple array like this one:...

Compare two different arrays and unset element from the first one

Hey guys. I have a question. I have two different arrays with different structure and i want to compare the values and unset the common values. The first arrays looks like: Array ( [0] => Array ( [key1] => value1 [key2] => value2 ) [1] => Array ( [key1] => value3 [key2] => value4 ) [2] => Array ( [key1] => value5 [key2] => value6 ) [3] ...

how can i create array with foreach in php?

hi guys, i am trying to create array like in the example i wrote above: $arr=array('roi sabah'=>500,yossi levi=>300,dana=>700); but i want to create it dynamic with foreach. how can i do it ? thanks. ...

How can foreach know the iterated collection was modified?

When I modified the collection I was iterating through with foreach, I got an exception. So I'm just curious about how foreach (or the runtime) detect that. Is it possible to do so with a general object? ...