
Changing CCK Title for Form

By default a CCK form creation has a title of the form Create [Your Content Type Name Here] I want to change mine to Register for Such and Such It was suggested that I could use string-override, but I can't find the string to replace. I've also tried writing code to form_alter, but can't seem to figure out how to get the "title" ...

Drupal question - How to set / hide groups select from form?

I'm using Drupal with the organic groups module, and I've defined a content type that may be posted in a group, but on the node/add form, I want to set the default value to that user's group (as they can only belong to one) and set the type to "hidden". I'm trying to implement a hook_form_alter, but I don't see how to manage the group f...

Silently create a user account when another form is submitted

I have a form created from another module. I want to add 2 fields to that form: 1. email, 2. password. I think I can do this with hook_form_alter. Then I would like to create a user account and log the user in when the submit button is clicked, then go ahead and execute the action defined by the form. The original form doesn't have a #...

How to get the names of the terms from the field of taxonomy?

In my module, I am trying to get the all names of terms that comma-separated in the field of taxonomy ( for create/edit node ). For example: a,b,c,d : <?php function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { if($form_id == 'story_node_form') { $form['#submit'][] = 'mymodule_form_mysubmit'; } } function mymodule...