
ExtJS load form items/fields from database

Hello. I am using ExtJS 3 here. I would like to populate a formpanel from database with fields to be submitted. Basically, I don't know witch fields my form will have and I want to generate all formpanel items from database. I could generate a JSON string to be passed as the response from the PHP file with the fields and everything but I...

How can I get a FormPanel to POST JSON with ExtJS 3.1.0?

By default, a FormPanel in ExtJS 3.1.0 posts the form fields as application/x-www-form-urlencoded when you call its submit() function. Is there any way to get it to post JSON instead? ...

Extjs - Dynamically generate fields in a FormPanel

Hi all, I've got a script that generates a form panel: var form = new Ext.FormPanel({ id: 'form-exploit-zombie-'+zombie_ip, formId: 'form-exploit-zombie-'+zombie_ip, border: false, labelWidth: 75, formBind: true, defaultType: 'textfield', url: '/ui/modules/exploit/new', autoHeight: true, buttons:[{ text: 'Execute exploit', hand...

ExtJS FormPanel Change labelWidth after adding fields dynamically

Hi, I have a dynamic FormPanel where I need to set the label width after I have loaded in all the fields. I have tried using this.labelWidth = 200 before calling this.doLayout but it's ignoring the new value. Can someone tell me where I can set this and redraw the form, thanks. ...

How to discover if an Ext.FormPanel is changed

Hi, i've some Ext.FormPanel and i want to enable the "Save" button only when the user changes the values inside the form. How can i discover that the user changed some fields ? I've tried with form.on("change"), SelectionMode but without any success. Thanks ...

extjs submit tabpanel under formpanel??

layout:window-->tabpanel-->formpanel. if i want submit formpanel,but have a lot formpanel, i don't know how to do! is layout problem ? i'm java programmer.i use struts2+extjs... ...

GWT: how do I check the response code after a file upload ?

I'm using a GWT FormPanel to upload a file; the file is processed on the server and I place the result on the client side. FormPanel works correctly, as in this question (How to get a submission result out of FormPanel), but what if the server responds a 404 or 500 ? How do I capture the http response after a file upload ? ...

GWT - Return object after file upload from FormPanel?

I'm uploading a file using FileUpload and a FormPanel, on the server I generate a List using the data from the uploaded file. The problem is that I need to display this List on the client, but I can't find a way to serialize it using GWT's serialization in a normal HttpServlet. Only in RemoteServiceServlets which can't process a FormPane...

ExtJs - FormPanel not rendering properly

Hello guys! I have constuctor (window + formPanel) AddOrgWindowUI = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { title: 'Create something', width: 400, height: 200, layout: 'fit', initComponent: function() { this.items = [ { xtype: 'form', id: 'add-form', padding: 5, initialConfig: Ext.apply(this...

GWT and notifyAll() (java.lang.Object)

I'm making a call to the database. The result must be used for a subit form. So i want to wait until the result from the DB comes. For that i need a synchronization. My idea was to use the Object.notifyAll() from java.lang, but GWT doesn't support this. Is there any equivalent method in GWT for the notifyAll()? edit1: I'm using gxt Form...

ExtJS add FormPanel global listener or solution

Hello, I'm using ExtJS 3.0 and I would like to extend FormPanel or any solution so that everytime I show a form, the first field should get focus. I was thinking of adding a global listener (if such exists) like this perhaps: afterrender: function() { Ext.getCmp('formAddProgPaymentDoc').findByType('textfield')[0].focus(); //// Get the f...

ExtJS FormPanel change element names

I have a FormPanel with a tree of checkboxes wich are added on creation. Now i want to change the general name pattern of all checkboxes inside the panel. According to the DOM the names are changed correctly but when i submit the form still the old names are submitted. Tried calling .doLayout but without any luck. Any ideas? changePredi...

EXTJS - Move component in FormPanel

Hey, I am nearly stopped in one things. Need some help of genius's mind. . I have form-panel and in it many 'fieldset' are created. Now I want to move fieldset inside the form. Critical things(!!) but I need to do this. ...