
How are you using C++0x today?

This is a question in two parts, the first is the most important and concerns now: Are you following the design and evolution of C++0x? What blogs, newsgroups, committee papers, and other resources do you follow? Even where you're not using any new features, how have they affected your current choices? What new features are you using ...

iPhone Screen Resolution. 160 vs 163 vs. the future

I'm trying to make an app that displays something in real-world units. It's not a ruler app, but it wants that kind of precision. It already looks like the iPhone and iPod touch have different screen resolutions (160 & 163 respectively) I've found this and th...

Switching to C++11

We are going to start a long lasting project using C++ as the programming language. I read that C++0x is going to come out in 2011, so they called it C++11. When C++11 comes out, we will still be developing the project, and would like to know if it is possible to use any features of the new C++ standard now, to able to: code faster ...

Dealing with Android devices that don't need a SD card

It seems that some Android devices like the HTC Incredible and the Archos 5 IT don't need a SD card for storage. How should apps that read and write files to "external" storage (so far the SD card) deal with this in the most backward and forward compatible way possible? Edit: Getting more reports about devices that use onboard memory a...

Why do some frameworks refuse to drop support for ancient Java versions?

As I'm sitting here modifying PircBot, I've just noticed that the entire backend was written to support Java 1.1. It has a custom queue implementation, uses hash tables, custom producer/consumer implementations based on wait() and notify() signaling, etc. Even Commons-lang lacks any support for things that Java 5 brings to the table like...

Forward compatible hardware detection

Being a softie, I'm currently fighting some hardware techies on a hardware detection mechanism. I feel like it should be possible to build a detection/discovery mechanism that is 'future proof', in a way that the detection software, built today, will be able to recognize a limited set of properties of all hardware versions developed in ...