
How does the NSAutoreleasePool autorelease pool work?

As I understand it, anything created with an alloc, new, or copy needs to be manually released. For example: int main(void) { NSString *string; string = [[NSString alloc] init]; /* use the string */ [string release]; } My question, though, is wouldn't this be just as valid?: int main(void) { NSAutoreleasePool *poo...

NSDate -dateWithNaturalLanguageString: on iPhone?

In the iPhone docset for NSDate, in the discussion area they discuss -dateWithNaturalLanguageString:locale:, however they don't document the method elsewhere on the page. I've used the method before for iPhone and it worked just fine, although I got warnings. Now that I'm building with -Werror (which I should have been doing all along ^...

OS X: how to watch socket read events with NSRunLoop?

I'm writing a Cocoa app. There is a socket in the application, and whenever the socket becomes readable I want to read data from the socket, process the data, and update the user interface accordingly. I want to integrate the read event check in the main loop, i.e. I want to attach the socket to the main loop and have the main loop call ...

FoundationKit on gcc/Linux

I am trying to test Objective-C on Linux (Ubuntu 10.04), mainly to decide if it's worth it to get a Mac and XCode. I have to like a language before I seriously consider programming in it (even more so when I have to pay a lot for it) I am using gcc (with gobjc++). But this of course does not include the Foundation Kit and the rest of th...