
Could Free Pascal benefit of something like Apache Maven?

Apache Maven is a very popular build and dependency management tool in the Java open source ecosphere. I did some tests to find out if it can handle compiled Free Pascal / Delphi units and found it easy to implement. So it would be possible to release open source libraries precompiled for Free Pascal (or Delphi) in a public Maven repo...

What was fpmake.pp used and is it still used?

I've used it once, not very well since I found hard to get by some decent examples/docs but it was a nice way of getting an environment done. Is it still a standard or as it been abandoned? Where could I find a beginner's how-to and also an advanced one so I can grow on usage? Thanks. ...

Where can I find the fpmake.pp framework source?

Hey guys, well Marco actually :) Where can I find the initial effort from the person who started fpmake.pp so I can pick up and/or continue. I'm about to get into a very complicated, in terms of building rules, project and I would really like to master the whole thing... OR bend it to my will :) ...