
Create a CSV file with PHP

I need to create a CSV file from a PHP array, I'm aware of the fputcsv() function. I've a recollection that a better function exists for this kind of stuff but I can't find it nor remember it's name. Does anyone know of such function or am I imagining? I might be making some confusion with the fgetcsv() function and the str_getcsv() ...

Forcing fputcsv to Use Enclosure For *all* Fields

When I use fputcsv to write out a line to an open file handle, PHP will add an enclosing character to any column that it believes needs it, but will leave other columns without the enclosures. For example, you might end up with a line like this 11,"Bob ",Jenkins,"200 main st. USA ",etc Short of appending a bogus space to the end of e...

php fputcsv and enclosing fields.

I was just about to ask the same questions as the question aksed here.... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2489553/forcing-fputcsv-to-use-enclosure-for-all-fields The question was When I use fputcsv to write out a line to an open file handle, PHP will add an enclosing character to any column that it believes needs it, but wi...

Help with exploding a name in PHP and writing back into a .CSV file

I wrote the code below to split up a fullname from a .csv file into a first name, middle name, and last name. It works well and gives the following kind of output: Eric,T.,Nolan Mary,,Worth Jim,T.,Lane E.,Thomas,Powell William,Reilly,Smith Johnny,,Depp Stevie,de,la Soul I can get it to print to the screen, but need help putting it b...

mysql to csv without using INTO OUTFILE of mysql

Hi there, I need to export data from mysql to a csv file with column heading but i dont have file permission on the server. Is there any otherway to do it? i.e. using php fwrite? or fputcsv? Any help will be much appriciate. Thanks. ...