
Flex Framework - How to tell if user is using cached framework?

I have a public facing application deployed with Flex. I want to switch to using the cached framework (.swz) but need to know if for my user base this is an effective solution or not (most users will only visit the site once and its just not worth it). What I want to do is track whether or not a user has loaded the .swz/.swf file during...

Manually Caching SWF/SWC in the Browser - Mimic Adobe's Signed SWZ?

Hey, I would like to take advantage of Adobe's Runtime Shared Library system for swc's, but I'm not sure how it ACTUALLY works, like the programming behind it. I understand that it allows you to load SWCs at runtime, but how does it do that? I'm asking because I would like to try to mimic something like the Signed RSL "swz" system Ado...