
Freeform Reporting tool

I am looking for free form reporting tool. Free/open source is preferred. It should work without a data source and one should be able to print at any place on a page. I need this because I am using an age old but very fast semi RDBMS which does not support concept of Data Set, Data Source, etc. that as required by all reporting engin...

How to categorize and tabularize free-form answers to a question in a survey?

I want to analyze answers to a web survey (Git User's Survey 2008 if one is interested). Some of the questions were free-form questions, like "How did you hear about Git?". With more than 3,000 replies analyzing those replies entirely by hand is out of the question (especially that there is quite a bit of free-form questions in this surv...

Free-form metadata in Docbook

Hi, I'm looking to store some metadata in Docbook (V5) XML files. Specifically, links to various resources related to the article in question. I've found the <info> and related elements, but they do not quite fit my purpose. Is there any way to store free-form metadata in a Docbook file? I really just want key/value pairs stored at the...

netbeans: can netbeans auto-build java free-form (ant) projects ?

Hiya. after every save i need to right click on the project in the project browser and click on build. is there a way to configure netbeans to auto build the project when i save a file in the project? ...

Implementing free form drawing in a paint app

I'd like to pick your brains on how to implement freeform drawing in a paint app. Given that the command object would encompass the click down, the arbitrarily dragging around, and the release, how would this be necessarily stored in the command and drawn onto the bitmap context? For starters, would the data simply be every pixel coord...