
VBScript chr() appears to return wrong value

I'm trying to convert a character code to a character with chr(), but VBScript isn't giving me the value I expect. According to VBScript, character code 199 is: � However, when using something like Javascript's String.fromCharCode, 199 is: Ç The second result is what I need to get out of VBScript's chr() function. Any idea what t...

How can I check the new value of a text field on keypress?

I have a single form field and I need to be able to detect when the field changes and execute some additional code using the new value of the field. I only want to execute the code if the key pushed actually changes the value of the text box. Here's the solution I came up with. function onkeypress(e) { var value = this.value; // do ...

How do I store keys pressed

I would like to store keys pressed when I listen out for the keyDown on the stage. I can add the listener fine, but I'm not getting the character I want out of the event to store it into a string. This is what I have so far: private var _addToString:String = ""; public function Hotwire() { this.addEventListener(Keyb...