
What is the data structure of the Inode number like?

I am flabbergasted by the definition of the inode number: An inode is a data structure on a traditional Unix-style file system such as UFS or ext3. An inode stores basic information about a regular file, directory, or other file system object. Source So there must be a logical order in every inode number. Can you conclude somet...

Historical perspective to Linux Filesystems

Jonathan Leffler's comment in the question "How can I find the Size of some specified files?" is thought-provoking. I will break it into parts for analysis. -- files are stored on pages; you normally end up with more space being used than that calculation gives because a 1 byte file (often) occupies one page (of maybe 512...

Weird standard for FAT32 >4gb files

I have recently encountered an embedded system with IDE drives that are FAT32 but have >4gb files. It appears to do this by setting the file size in the 32byte directory entry to how many bytes the final cluster uses - instead of being the actual file size. This allows the the files to have arbitrary FAT chains. The downside is the only ...

What can i use to journal writes to file system

Hello, all I need to track all writes to files in order to have synchronized version of files on different place (server or just other directory, not considerable). Let it: all files located in same directory feel free to create some system files (e.g. SomeFileName.Ext~temp-data) no one have concurrent access to synced directory; no...

How to store files on disc to increase performance

From performance point of view: How it's better to store uploaded files on disk? One folder and huge number of images? or create logically subfolders? OS: Linux FS: ext3 Thanks! ...

What does the + mean in the ACL output of "ls -l"?

ls -l -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 885 2010-07-08 13:55 /etc/backup-number-of-files* -rwxrwxr-x+ 1 levchuk Users 1067 2010-08-30 14:37 /etc/backup-running-time* Please notice the + on the 2nd line. ...