
Is it possible to use Full Text Search (FTS) with LINQ?

I wonder if is possible to use FTS with LINQ using .NET Framework 3.5. I'm searching around the documentation that I didn't find anything useful yet. Does anyone have any experience on this? ...

SQl Full-text search doesn't work?

When i execute the following sql, nothing happens: select * from docs where freetext(*, 'my search string') I know that "my search string" is in a field in a table. The table docs is added to my catalog. The field to search in contains html content. ...

Stopwords in PostgreSQL FTS

I have a bunch of text that i need to search, and it's not always nicely formatted. select to_tsvector('hello.test') @@ 'test' This returns false, because it thinks hello.test is a hostname. Is there any way to have something like all non alphanumeric characters as a stopword, so that i can GIN-index the example above as 2 words? ...

Python SQLite FTS3 alternatives?

Are there any good alternatives to SQLite + FTS3 for python? I'm iterating over a series of text documents, and would like to categorize them according to some text queries. For example, I might want to know if a document mentions the words "rating" or "upgraded" within three words of "buy." The FTS3 syntax for this query is the followi...

SQLite Virtual Table Match Escape character

Heya, I'm working on an applications where the indices are stored in a SQLite FTS3 virtual table. We are implementing full text matches which means we send through queries like: select * from blah where term match '<insert term here>' That's all well and good until the term we want to match contains a hyphen in case the SQLite virtua...

SQL 2005 Full-Text-Search: How to default all user search words to a CONTAINS NEAR type FTS search.

I have an asp.net web page with a simple search text box that returns matching rows from a MSSQL 2005 database. It is currently using a LIKE statement to bring back matches, but forces the user to to type an exact phrase. Users want a more Google search type experience and so I have decided to set up and index the needed tables with FTS....

Verifying sqlite FTS (Full Text Search) syntax, and how to do a single term NOT search

Is there a way to determine if a MATCH query sent to an fts3 table in sqlite is valid? Currently, I don't find out if the expression is invalid until I try to run it, which makes it a little tricky. I'd like to report to the user that the syntax is invalid before even trying to run it. I'm using sqlite with the C api. Additionally, do...

Using Full-Text-Search in order to find partial words (SQL Server 2008)

Hello, I'm trying to build a facebook like search for my software. I'd like to query the table customers. I've set up a FULLTEXT Index and tried the next query SELECT * FROM Customer where CONTAINS(*,'*ann*') The query does return all the customers named Ann, but it doesn't return all the customers name Anne. Is there a way to cre...

parsing user-typed Full Text Search queries into WHERE clause of MySQL using PHP

I want to convert user typed FTS queries in to MySQL's WHERE clause. So the functionality will be something like Gmail's search. So users will be able to type: from:me AND (to:john OR to:jenny) dinner Although I don't think it is important, the table structure will be something like: Message - id - from - to - title - descriptio...

Cancelling long-running tasks in PLINQ

I am trying to use the NET 4.0 parallel task library to handle multiple FTS queries. If the query takes too much time, I want to cancel it and continue forward with processing the rest. This code doesn't stop when one query goes over the threshold. I think I'm calling it such that the cancel task and time limit is reached for the whol...

MySQL FTS implementation

I work on a ticket system in PHP/MySQL. We have implemented mysql FTS in boolean mode, to provide the search feature to users. User enters search string and we present her a list of issues. Below is the sample database schema: issues table - (id, title, description) It has fts index (title, description) issue_comments table - (id, is...

MySQL MyISAM fulltext search - how to add '#' as a word character for utf8 charset?

I am using MyISAM full text search. The table columns are having charset "utf8" and "utf8_general_ci" as collation. Now I want to implement #HashTag system, so that if I search for "#HashTag", only rows that contain "#HashTag" show up. Not rows that just contains "HashTag". According to the comment in this MySQL documentation, its easy...

Exclude apostrophes from SQL Server Full Text Search

Hi, I would like to know how to exclude apostrophes from being indexed in full text search. For example, if someone enters a search term for "o'brien" or for "obrien" I would want it to match all cases where someone's name matches either "O'Brien" or "OBrien". However, if I search on: select * from MyTable where contains (fullName, '...

sqlite-fts3: custom tokenizer?

Does anyone here have experience with writing custom FTS3 (the full-text-search extension) tokenizers? I'm looking for a tokenizer that will ignore HTML tags. Thanks. ...

django-fts: How to create indexes for psql

Hi, I am investigating how the http://code.google.com/p/django-fts/ application works. I am trying to setup psql FTS to work with the application, but can't understand how to create index correctly. Don't understand how to create the GIN index as it was specified in doc. My model is following: class Product(fts.SearchableModel): ...

Parse search queries in sql 2005 FTS

Hi, In lucene, we can use QueryParser.Parse(query) to find out how the given query is interpreted by lucene. Its very helpful. I am looking for some kind of API or build in sys functions to identify how the FTS parses given search string. I found sys.dm_fts_parser procedure in sql 2008 does the same job, but currently am working on ms ...