
implementing a network fuzzer over a vnc server?

i want to implement a network fuzzer over a vnc server as a final year project . I want to code both the fuzzer and the vnc server from the scratch . Can i know how feasible it is ? And some good tutorials on it? ...

Any good tools or tips for fuzz testing Windows forms applications?

I'm maintaining a ~300K LOC C# legacy thick-client application with a Windows.Forms interface. The app is full of little bugs and quirks. For example, I recently discovered a bug where if a users edits and tabs (not clicks) through cells on a DataViewGrid, and leaves the a certain cell selected, the app gets an "Object reference not se...

Test code coverage without source code?

What tools are out there that can perform code coverage analysis at the machine code level rather than the source code level? I'm looking for a possible solution to perform fuzz testing on software that I do not have source code access. ...