
Frameworks for network protocol fuzzing?

Can anyone recommend any programmer-friendly (i.e. extensible) frameworks or systems for performing network level packet fuzzing? I'm looking for such a system where I can program in additional packet formats and various ways of breaking those packets in a protocol-dependent manner. I know how to Google. I'm looking for specific recom...

Looking for a Java fuzzing library or fuzzer tool with a good API

Are there any fuzzer libraries out there for Java? I'd like to sprinkle fuzzing capabilities into existing Java web-based automated integration tests. I've done a lot of searching but I'm coming up empty for a library that supports HTTP/S. There are a lot of Python tools, but I'd like to stick with Java since that's what the programmer...

Network or Transport Layer Fuzzing

Hi, How do I go about executing a fuzzing strategy to stress a network stack, specifically at the third and fourth layers (network and transport)? I've looked at frameworks to generate fuzzers, like SPIKE, but it seems to me that they are mostly focused on the application layer and above? Is there any well known techniques out there to ...

Is there a utility which given an ANTLR grammar will produce matching strings?

I have an ANTLR grammar and I would like to fuzz my parser. ...