
Are there any low-level languages that can be used in place of scripts?

I am a "high-level" scripting guy. All my code is Class-based PHP or JavaScript. However, I want to know if there is any form of useful interpreter projects for "low-level" compiled languages like C or C++ (strange sounding huh?). This all came about when I stumbled upon http://g-wan.com/ and was fascinated by the fact that you could se...

Does anyone has first-hand experience with G-WAN web Server ?

The only place where I found informations on G-WAN web server was the project web site and it looked very much like advertisement. What I would really know is, for someone who is proficient with C, if it is as easy to use and extend that other architectures. For now I would mostly focus on scripting abilities. Are C scripts on GWAN eas...