
GAEUnit: Trouble with long strings in assert statements?

I'm having an odd error where GAEUnit seems to be hung on assertion statements that have error strings that are too long. I'm running these tests on the GAE Dev server 1.3.3. This works just fine: self.assertEquals(2 + 2, 5, "[2, 3, 4]") # works However, if I defined a longer string, and try to print that out: jsonTest = '''[ ...

Using gaetestbed within virtualenv

I'd like to give GAE Testbed a try, but am running into the following error after completing the instructions on its homepage. $ nosetests --with-gae ... ImportError: No module named dev_appserver I've confirmed that this happens in both a virtualenv and outside of one. ...

In the python version of Google App Engine, how can you override the db.Model class to save to a temp datastore rather than big table?

In Singapore, we are teaching students python using Singpath ( In addition to letting students practice writing software in python, we would like to familiarize students with the google.appengine.ext.db API used to access big table. What is the easiest way to modify db.Model settings in an App Engine app so that a...

GAE: Why does this code crash the devserver?

I'm using GAE 1.3.5 devserver SDK with Python. When I uncomment this line of code, GAEUnit hangs every time I try to run my test suite: dep_arc_tail_q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM DependencyArcTail WHERE courses = :1", course) #problem line modelutils.applyToResultsOfQuery(lambda tails : modelutils.removeCourseFromTails(course, tails),...