
Convert GB2312 to UTF-8

I have a text file that contains localized language strings that is currently encoded in GB2312 (simplified Chinese), but all of my other language files are in UTF-8. I am finding it very difficult to work with this file, as none of my text editors will work properly with it and keep corrupting it. Are there any tools to convert this to ...

display chinese character in eclipse console output

Hi, I am trying to display some Chinese characters in the GB2312 encoding in the eclipse console. I realize that in Run Dialog -> Common tab -> Console Encoding, I can choose additional encodings other than the default CP1252. However, how I can add additional encodings, like GB2312? Thanks. ...

How to find whether a character is GB2312 in java

I would like write a java function like: if one char is not in GB2312, return false Boolean isGB2312(String chinese) { ...... } ...