
GCC Mac OS X framework search path: /System/Library before /Library?

Hello, I'm trying to compile a project on Mac OS X that links to Python. I have Python 2.7 framework in /Library/Frameworks. I compile for Mac OS X 4, so I also have Python 2.3 in /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks. If I invoke gcc with -F/Library/Frameworks and peek at what it does with -v, I see the following: ...

GCC Reducing Binary Bloat -- Strange Side Effect

The Weirdness I have compiled Google Protocol Buffers using no extra parameters for a "bloat" compile, and compile with the following command ./configure CXXFLAGS="-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections". a du-h reveals: 120K ./bloat/bin 124K ./bloat/include/google/protobuf/io 8.0K ./bloat/include/google/protobuf/compiler/java 12K ./bloat...

gcc/ld - create a new libc.so with __isoc99_sscanf@@GLIBC_2.7 symbol from glibc.2.6

Hello I haw an appl, which do a error: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.7' not found But the only symbol it needs from glibc 2.7 is __isoc99_sscanf@@GLIBC_2.7 I want to write a small 1 function "library" with this symbol as alias to __sscanf() How can I do this with gcc/ld? My variant is not accepted because "@@" symbols int ...

Really simple error; I've probably forgotten a semicolon

I'm getting loads of errors like these: gfx.h:48: error: syntax error before 'buffer' gfx.h:48: warning: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'buffer' gfx.h:48: warning: data definition has no type or storage class gfx.h:73: error: syntax error before 'uint16_t' gfx.h:73: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union gfx.h:74...

Building Perl for OS X - Architecture-Specific Compile Options

Thanks to a suggestion from Chas. Owens, I have been having fun playing with Perlbrew to have various Perl builds in my home directory. My question is more generally on building a newer Perl under OS X however. I have OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard running on a very recent MacBook Pro. After a small diversion getting gcc properly setup under...

Making MSVC compiler GCC complient?

Is there a way to make the msvc compiler as strict as gcc? MSVC lets me do some pretty crazy things that result in hundreds of errors when I compile in linux. Thanks ...

Header files linked to from header file not found.

Hi everybody I have a problem with Nvidia's OpenCl/Cuda framework, but I think it is a gcc linking issue. The opencl_hello_world.c example file uses following header file: #include "../OpenCL/common/inc/CL/opencl.h" with opencl.h using these header files: #include <../OpenCL/common/inc/CL/cl.h> #include <../OpenCL/common/inc/CL/cl_...

Gcc fails to recognize `-I../path`.

Hi, I have a problem with linking and gcc, probably resulting from a stupid mistake on my side. Drawing from this post Header files linked to from header file not found, I tried the -I option to inlcude header files, but gcc just does not seem to recognize the parameter. ~/Documents/projects/opencl/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/src_l$ gcc ...

Can't compile objective c app using GNUStep

I've downloaded gnustep core \ gnustep system (for Windows) and come example apps. When i run the gnustep shell from start>all program> GNUstep> shell, navigate to the folder containing en example makefile and type make, i get the following error : Compiling file main.m /bin/sh: gcc: command not found so basically i can't get anything...

Integer overflow in C: standards and compilers

Edited to include proper standard reference thanks to Carl Norum. The C standard states If an exceptional condition occurs during the evaluation of an expression (that is, if the result is not mathematically defined or not in the range of representable values for its type), the behavior is undefined. Are there compiler switches th...

How do I disable tailcall optimizations in gcc

Hi all, Wondering if anyone knows the flag for gcc to disable tailcall optimizations. Basically in a tailcall optimization, gcc will replace a stack frame when the return value from a called function is passed through (via return) or nothing else happens in the function. That is, in void main() { foo(); } void foo() { ...

Linking to another package with R inline

I have a C++/Rcpp function the I need to compile and link to the pomp package to get access to a random number generator. I can get the header file included but how to I get it to link to the compiled code? CppColonized<-cxxfunction( sig=signature(x="numeric", t="numeric", params="numeric", dt="numeric"), plugin='Rcpp', includes ...

Valgrind errors in c libraries?

Valgrind is showing an uninitialised value of size 8 error. And occasionally, the below conditional jump on uninitialised value error. All I'm doing is printing a formatted string using the stdc++ library that comes with gcc and the built in vsnprintf. This is inside a method called format which is part of a custom string class. What n...

Use callgrind as a sampling profiler?

I've been searching for a Linux sampling profiler, and callgrind has come the closest to showing useful results. However the overhead is estimated at 20--100x slower than normal. Additionally, I'm only interested in time spent per function (with particular emphasis on blocking calls such as read() and write(), which no other profiler wil...

gcc - writing and executing code in the bss - setting the permission flags

Hi all, I am generating x86-64 code at runtime in a C program on a linux system (centos 5.4 to be exact). I generate my bytecodes into a global array as shown below char program[1024 * 1024] __attribute__((aligned (16))); and then call into it via a function pointer. My issue is, when I compile the program like this gcc -std=gnu99...

Learning GNU GCC compiler optimization implementation

I would like to understand how the GNU GCC compiler handles optimizations. I know its not easy but I can't seem to find any GCC internal implementation details even just to get started. Do I have to be a contributing GNU GCC developer to view the source code and know the low/high level design? Where can a developer, who wants to contri...

Set default GCC to Fink-installed GCC 4.5?

I've got GCC 4.2 that came with my installation of Mac OS X 10.6.4, plus GCC 4.5 installed via Fink. I wanted to use gcc_select to change the default compiler to GCC 4.5, but was told gcc_select does not exist. Is there another way to set the default compiler? Or do I need to do so manually? If so, how? Thanks!! ...

Error with -mno-sse flag and gettimeofday() in C

A simple C program which uses gettimeofday() works fine when compiled without any flags ( gcc-4.5.1) but doesn't give output when compiled with the flag -mno-sse. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { struct timeval s,e; float time; int i; gettimeofday(&s, NULL); for( i=0; i< 10000; i++); gettimeof...

newer gcc binary running on older systems

I have a binary compiled with gcc 4.4.0 and am trying to run it on an older system, which does not have gcc 4.4.0. It doesn't work. The error is not that it can't find a symbol, but it just doesn't run correctly and hangs. The differences between the systems are CentOS 5.5 vs 5.2, and gcc 4.4.0 vs 3.4.6. What can I do to get it runni...

When distributing an executable for MacOSX how do I know which versions it will work on? Are there any special build steps for release?

I just built my program for MacOSX using GCC i.e. (gcc main.c). Are there any special build steps I should go through before I distribute the executable, or will it automatically work on all Intel MacOSX systems? ...