
C malloc assertion help

I am implementing a divide and conquer polynomial algorithm so i can bench it against an opencl implementation, but i can't seem to get malloc to work. When I run the program it allocates a bunch of stuff, checks some things, then sends the size/2 to the algorithm. Then when I hit the malloc line again it spits out this: malloc.c:309...

Is there dependency generation flag for MSVC like gcc's -M

Hello, Is there dependency generation flag for MSVC like gcc's -M flag. Every C++ compiler I have ever used had this kind of flag. How can I create dependencies automatically with MSVC cl compiler. I'm interested for only latest compiler versions i.e. MSVC9 or later but if it works with MSVC8 it is fine as well. If there is built-in ...

Decoding equivalent assembly code of C code...

Hi All, Wanting to see the output of the compiler (in assembly) for some C code, I wrote a simple program in C and generated its assembly file using gcc. The code is this: #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i = 0; if ( i == 0 ) { printf("testing\n"); } return 0; } The generated assembly fo...

gcc: How to ignore standard include paths?

Hello everyone! I need to compile some files with a usage of modified versions of standard library headers. With Visual C++ compiler I will do this by usage of /X (Ignore Standard Include Paths) and /I (Additional Include Directories) parameters. How this should be done with gcc? ...

C++0x is assignment of braced-init-list to an array correct?

n3092 (final draft) says, under 5.17/9 A braced-init-list may appear on the right-hand side of - an assignment to a scalar [...] - an assignment defined by a user-defined assignment operator [..] While in GCC 4.5.1-pre9999, I can compile this (using -std=c++0x, NOT -std=gnu++0x) #include <iostream> int main() { ...

Mixing libraries with and without RTTI with GCC on Mac OS X?

I've been banging my head on an issue and before I continue injuring myself some more, I'd like to confirm: Is it possible to have a GCC project that uses libraries that are compiled with and without RTTI? So, for example, I have project A (compiled without RTTI) that uses library B (compiled with RTTI) and library C (compiled withou...

In C/C++,how to link dynamic link lib which compiled in GCC/G++ in MS VStudio?

These days, I use Flex & Bison generated some codes to develop a SQL-parser alike tools, these code can't compiled silently(may be this another topic) in VS2005,but GCC/G++ works well, then I compiled these code with mingw in dll(in windows xp), and then linked these function facades in VS2005, but it seems can't link the dll during link...

Linux shared library that uses a shared library undefined symbol

two shared libraries liba.so and libb.so. liba.so uses libb.so. All c files are compiled with -fPIC. Linking uses -shared. When we call dlopen on liba.so it cannot find symbols in libb.so...we get the "undefined symbol" error. We can dlopen libb.so with no errors. We know that liba is finding libb because we don't get a file not fo...

How to manually throw a compiler error in GCC and Xcode

In xcode, while compiling apps with gcc, I want to throw compilation time errors if things like NSZombieEnabled is on for a distribution release, thus ensuring that compilation will fail and I won't accidentally do something stupid. I did some googling, but could not figure out how to cause the compiler to bail if a certain condition is...

template function error..

Hi there, I have function which takes in an parameter of a class called "Triple", and am returning the averge of 3 values of type float. template <typename ElemT> float average(Triple ElemT<float> &arg){ float pos1 = arg.getElem(1); float pos2 = arg.getElem(2); float pos3 = arg.getElem(3); return ( (pos1+pos2+po3) /3 );...

C++'s std::string pools, debug builds? std::string and valgrind problems

Hello, I have a problem with many valgrind warnings about possible memory leaks in std::string, like this one: 120 bytes in 4 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 4,192 of 4,687 at 0x4A06819: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:230) by 0x383B89B8B0: std::string::_Rep::_S_create(unsigned long, unsigned long, std::...

What -W values in gcc correspond to which actual warnings?

Preamble: I know, disabling warnings is not a good idea. Anyway, I have a technical question about this. Using GCC 3.3.6, I get the following warning: choosing ... over ... because conversion sequence for the argument is better. Now, I want to disable this warning as described in gcc warning options by providing an argument like -...

Get the default link configuration gcc uses when calling the linker.

I am using the CodeSorcery arm-eabi-gcc tool chain and I have a problem using ld separate from gcc I can compile my simple program and link it, if I let gcc call the ld. This works not problem g++ test.cpp; # Works This does not work because of missing symbols g++ -c test.cpp ld -o test crti.o crtbegin.o test.o crtend.o crtn.o -lg...

determining True/False.

Hi there, the following code #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ char greeting[50] = "goodmorning everyone"; char *s1 = greeting; char *s2 = &greeting[7]; bool test = s2-s1; cout << "s1 is: " << s1 << endl; cout << "s2 is: " << s2 << endl; if (test == true ){ cout << "test is true...

Two method for linking a object using GCC ?

I've known that I should use -l option for liking objects using GCC. that is gcc -o test test.c -L./ -lmy But I found that "gcc -o test2 test.c libmy.so" is working, too. When I use readelf for those two executable I can't find any difference. Then why people use -l option for linking objects? Does it have any advantage? ...

gcc options for fastest code

I'm distributing a C++ program with a makefile for the Unix version, and I'm wondering what compiler options I should use to get the fastest possible code (it falls into the category of programs that can use all the computing power they can get and still come back for more), given that I don't know in advance what hardware, operating sys...

GCC / C++ Static linking for headers in a shared object

-I am trying to create a shared object libfoo.so. libfoo.so is created from "foo.c" - Assume that I include headers "static.h" and "Dynamic.h" where in I want the compiler to resolve the symbols for Static.h and leave the rest ie from Dynamic.h for runtime. - How do i do this ? What are the CFLAG and LDFLAG options that I need to pas...

What is causing this template-related compile error? (c++)

When I try to compile this: #include <map> #include <string> template <class T> class ZUniquePool { typedef std::map< int, T* > ZObjectMap; ZObjectMap m_objects; public: T * Get( int id ) { ZObjectMap::const_iterator it = m_objects.find( id ); if( it == m_objects.end() ) ...

Switch case assembly level code

Hi All, I am programming C on cygwin windows. After having done a bit of C programming and getting comfortable with the language, I wanted to look under the hood and see what the compiler is doing for the code that I write. So I wrote down a code block containing switch case statements and converted them into assembly using: gcc -...

Map file specification?

Am creating a debugger tool. I need the MAP file Structure specification for GCC compiler. In order to find how the memory is mapped for different variables of different Data types (class, inner class, static, static const, extern, template, typedef Variables Specification in MAP file). And also i want to know the way how the symbols a...