I am using GDAL. in command prompt, i am doing
gdalinfo (my file location)
it works, but because it is a huge file the command gives a LOT of informaiton. I am only interested in seeing whats near the beginning. Command prompt only allows scrolling up to the last 1000 or so lines of info (it must give about 100,000 lines or so). How c...
hi all i want to convert raster image to vector anf i have used GDALPolygonize to convert, it works proper but not for 16 or higher bit images so please suggest me what to do..thanks
hi all i am using following code for raster to vector conversion but when i use it for 16 bit images it crashing everytime in GDALPolygonize function except i use spatial subset of the 16 bit image, so please suggest me....
here is bunch of code.......
String pszFilename = "C:\Images\s3dImages\geo...