
Google Maps API: Trouble with GDirections object literals

I am successfully calling GDirections to get a map with directions between a point A and point B that I have specified. However, I can't seem to get certain return values. calculateDistanceFromRoute.js: var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas")); function initialize() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { var m...

Google Maps displaying custom paths

I'm trying to customize the icons drawn by the GDirections object. I've got a list of lat long coordinates which I use to construct a path. However, I can't find any way of customizing (or even turning off) the markers that are automatically placed by the API. var map; map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas")); .... //get ...

Get points from a Gdirections route

Hi, I'm trying to get a collection of points (latitude,longitude) between 2 adresses. The points needs to be on a valid tracfic route. I currently use Gdirections to create a route between 2 adresses. Is there a method to get somepoints allong this route? To me it seems impossible... thx in advance! ...

overriding big popup on directions Google Maps

I've happily implemented v2 of Google maps to my site without a hitch, I also successfully perform a drive directions using GDirections.load(). What I need to do is stop the popup of the mini map when you select a particular step in the routing directions. So when the user clicks on say "step 3", instead of the default popup showing a m...