
GdkPixbuf Collection

Hello, I need to create GdkPixBuf collection. I try to save pixbufs in GList - mw->disp_list: GtkTreeIter iter; int i = 0; for (i; i < g_list_length(list) - 1; ++i) { char* file = image_list_get_current_file_path( list ); mw->p1 = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(file,NULL); mw->p1 = scale_pix(mw->p1,128); mw...

Retrieving the color of a given pixel in Gtk+/Gtkmm

Which is the best and fastest way to retrieve the color of a given pixel of a widget? For example: I load an image onto a Gtk::DrawingArea or draw something on it. Then I try to retrieve the color of the pixel that the mouse cursor is over. I use this technique: bool MainWindow::on_canvas_motion_notify(GdkEventMotion* event) { get_...

how to store image data in X server in gtk, gdk?

Is there anyway to store image data in X server memory so that rendering of images, (for example in scrolling), is faster and so that round trips to x client can be reduced? ...

how to export the display faster to another system in gtk?

I have to run my scrolling gtk application on systems which are in network. But the display is slower when i try to run the application by doing telnet to other systems. Is there any way to render images fast on other systems? Can GdkDisplay be of any use here? ...