
IList<IClient> method<T>() where T : Iclient can not add client object to list

Hi all, public IList<T> GetClientsByListofID<T>(IList<int> ids) where T : IClient { IList<T> clients = new List<T>(); clients.Add( new Client(3)); } I am getting a compiler error here: cannot convert from 'Bailey.Objects.Client' to 'T' The client object implements the IClient interface. My goal here is to try and loosen t...

How to get MethodInfo of a generic method on a non generic .NET type?

Dear ladies and sirs. I have this little problem, that I cannot figure out which arguments to pass to Type.GetMethod in order to get back the MethodInfo of a generic method on a non generic type. Specifically, I have this type definition: public static class A { public static B F<T>(bool dummy) { } public static B F<T>(IEnumera...

C#: How to use generic method with "out" variable

I want to create a simple generic function void Assign<T>(out T result) { Type type = typeof(T); if (type.Name == "String") { // result = "hello"; } else if (type.Name == "Int32") { // result = 100; } else result = default(T); } Usage: int value; string text; Assign(value); // <<< should set value to 100 ...

C# Reflection, using MakeGenericMethod with method that has the 'new()' type constraint

Hi, I am trying to use the MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod as follows: foreach (var type in types) { object output = null; var method = typeof (ContentTypeResolver).GetMethod("TryConstruct"); var genmethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(type); var arr = new object[] { from, outpu...

C# call Generic method dynamically

Given the following Interfaces: interface IEntity { int Id{get;} } interface IPerson : IEntity { string Name{get;} int Age{get;} } interface ITeacher : IPerson { string StaffId{get;} } interface IStudent : IPerson { string StudentId{get;} string Courses{get;} } interface IRepository { T Get<T>(int id)...