
Python Canvas

I'm looking for a Python library for creating canvases for manipulating gemetric shapes. Specifically I need the ability to create arbitrary polygons and place them on the canvas, the polygons need to have the ability to be transparent/have an alpha channel, I need to be able to edit polygons that are currently on the canvas, and I need...

Mutation Problem - Clojure

having trouble changing an element of my function represented as a list. code for random function: (defn makerandomtree-10 [pc maxdepth maxwidth fpx ppx] (if-let [output (if (and (< (rand) fpx) (> maxdepth 0)) (let [head (nth operations (rand-int (count operations))) children (doall (loop[function (list) width...

Genetic Algorithm open source library with all the trimmings e.g. cellularGA features

Hi, I would like to implement a GA-based feature selection program for an SGI UV system (cores=512, shared memory=4TB) which operates as thus: (Feature selection is the process by which the smallest subset of original features is found which makes discrimination between the output classes better than using the original set of features-or...