
Geokit: can it support utf8 results (or suggestions) ?

Well the problem is that GEOKIT (a ruby gem to work with maps) when using it with Google Map for example returns results in ascii, like: Svobody prosp 34, Moskva, Rossia Svobody prosp 35, Moskva, Rossia Svobody prosp 36, Moskva, Rossia This happens if either I type query in utf8 or ascii. But I want it to return utf8 results like her...

Combine arrays of conditions in Rails

I'm using the Rails3 beta, will_paginate gem, and the geokit gem & plugin. As the geokit-rails plugin, doesn't seem to support Rails3 scopes (including the :origin symbol is the issue), I need to use the .find syntax. In lieu of scopes, I need to combine two sets of criteria in array format: I have a default condition: conditions = [...

Geocoding an IP Address in Rails

Hello all, I have GeoKit setup and in general I'm really happy with it. But I recently tried Geocoding IP Addresses with it and its default results (provided by it looks like) don't seem very accurate or complete. Has anyone else had bad results from this? Is there a better way to GeoCode IPs in Rails? ...

Geokit and rails 3

Hi, I am using the geokit gem and plugin with rails 3. It seems there is a known issue with them, which can be seen here Now, I tried to follow the solution provided at the bottom. I pasted that function definition, at the end of the file, just above acts_as_mapable, and just after t...

Geokit Gem 1.5 and Ruby 1.9.2 => "incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT"

Hi there, I am currently writing a rails app using bleeding edge stuff. Rails3, rSpec2, Ruby 1.9.2 and Geokit 1.5.0. When i try to geocode addresses that have special characters that are not in ASCII-8Bit i get this error: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT The Trace is like this: 1) Spot Basic Validations s...

gem customizations

I added some caching functionality to the geokit gem and used gemcutter to create a copy 'badnaam-geokit'. The only changed are in Geocoders.rb which works fine if I just modify it locally. However, after I published it to rubygems and installed it and require it as 'badnaam-geokit' in my environment.rb (config.gem "badnaam-geokit") fi...

Using rails gem geokit sort by distance and pagination?

I come across a small issue in my app. I'm currently using geokit to find objects near a given location, and I use the sort_by_distance_from on the found set. See below: @find = Item.find(:all, :origin =>[,self.geocode.lng.to_f], :within=>50, :include=>[:programs], :conditions=>[" = ?",]) ...

scoped and find_within

Iam using geokit-rails ( branch gem). I like to build a scope like a = MyModel.scoped a = a.limit(10).scoped a = a.find_within(10,:origin => [mylat,mylng]).scoped a = a.where(:visible => true) a = a.paginate(:page => @params[:page], :per_page => 20) But this does't work - after find the query will...

using geokit or other ruby gem to calculate the center of a series of geo coordinates.

I've been using the geokit and geokit-rails gem for rails for awhile but one question I haven't found answered is how to find the calculated aggregate center for a collection of points. I know how to calculate the distance between two points, but not more than 2. My reason is, I have a series of points all in the same city... all thing...

Update geocode latitude and longitude everytime address is updated.

I have this in my shop.rb: def geocode_address if !address_geo.blank? geo=Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode(address_geo) errors.add(:address, "Could not Geocode address") if !geo.success, self.lng =,geo.lng if geo.success end end # Checks whether this object has been geocoded or not. Returns the ...