
What are the available options for geo-location with carrier detection?

We are looking for a geo-location service that can also identify the mobile carrier of mobile phones. What are the available services that offer this functionality? We would prefer a java API, but can probably make do with other implementations if necessary. ...

how to get the similar city

i have a city ALMA but it can be more then 5 in the whole world so user can be confused. how i can show the all place who have a word ALMA in their location. i want to get all city name who have word ALMA. are any api can give me all city , county name match to my name ALMA. if i can use GMAP API [google] then how i can retrieve all ...

Google gears Geolocation problems

Since today and yesterday I can't get Googles geolocation to work with my desktop firefox or IE browser or with my blackberry. This has been working for at least three months. When I browse to their sample I get a "Error retrieving your location: Network provider at did not provide a good position fix." er...

How does geolocate me based on my IP?

I just went to a web site called I noticed that the page geolocates me based on my IP extremely quickly. At first, I simply thought they were doing this via Google Maps built in ClientLocation feature BUT it doesn't appear they are doing that. Instead, looking at the source for the page, I see that my IP address has been injec...

Country name for GPS coordinates

Is there an easy way to get the name of the country on whose territory a given point is located? I don't care too much about accuracy nor about ambiguities given by political disputes. Just need a good enough approximation. ...

How does Chrome know my geolocation?

Chrome seems to be very accurate in detecting my location. How does it do it? Can you point me to the source code? ...

how geolocation on web browser work?

Hi! I would like to know. How geolocation on web browser work? I access to this web site and when I allow that browser to detect location. it show me current location. but when i send that url to my friends to test it. some one tell me it work, but someone else. How geolocation work and how implement it to ...

correct way of getting latitude and longtitude in android

Hi, I need the correct way of getting latitude and longitude in android programatically. I viewed different sites and forums but still i could'nt get the correct one. The program should support for all the android versions.I use wifi to get my device connected to net. ...

How to Write a background service to get latitude and longitude

Hi , I need to write a background service to get latitude and longitude values. I have an android application in which it has to find where the user is currently.So i seemed of getting the values of latitude and longitude values. Is there any way programatically to get the values from the system services or even program giving the valu...

Problem in getting latitude and longitude

Here is the program i used to code it in my android application to find the GPS location of the device. enter code here package com.gps.TestingApps; import; import android.content.Context; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; import a...

Convert coordinates to a place name

Hey, I am using the HTML5 Geolocation API to find the longitude and the latitude from the users of my site. This works, but now I would like te show on the screen "You cuurently are in ...". So I need to convert these coordinates I get from the Geolocation API to a place name. I tried a bit with Google Maps API, but I Didn't get it wor...

Get Country of IP Address with PHP

Ideally I'm trying to put together a PHP script that I can query from any web browser and it returns the Country of the IP address that accessed the PHP script. Is this possible or is there a better solution? ...

Where am I? - Get country

An android mobile actually does know quite well where it is - but is there a way of retrieving the country by something like a country code? No need of knowing the exact GPS position - the country is sufficient I first thought of using the time zone, but actually I need more information than that since it makes a difference if the loc...

Iphone User Location without manually running app

I need to read the iPhone users location using google maps, but I don't want the user to have to run my app to do so. It doesn't necessarily need to be tracked constantly, but I might want to check the user location every 10 or 20 minutes. Ideally this feature could be turned off or on by the user, but the most important part is that I ...

RESTful URL structure for displaying local data

I am developing a web app which displays sales from local stores around the United States. The sales and stores listed vary by location. Is there a RESTful URL scheme for describing this information while avoiding duplicate content? Specifically, the app needs to list local stores, and list items sold at a particular store. Zip (postal)...

How to determine which Geocoordinates are inside a defined Area?

Hello, my Application is given a list of Geocorrdinates and now I have to determine which of those Coordinates are inside a defined Area. For example the Search would definiton would be: Show me all Areas where 100 Coordinates are in an Area of 1km^2. So I have to find out which of these coordinates are together in Areas of 1km^2 and mo...

Geolocation strategies for web apps

Building a server-side geolocation module, I was wondering what were the general view and best practices regarding this. I don't need something very precise as geolocation is concerned, I only need the cc/ll pair so I can redirect the user to the appropriate version of the website. Currently, the logic behind what I built is the followi...

Linkify custom location in textView?

I have a TextView with location data that I want to Linkify. When link will be clicked an Intent should be fired that will start Maps. How should I achieve this effect? UPDATE: I have something like "My street 9, My city". Now I want to have all this text to appear like a link and have intent fired with URI: geo:0,0?q=My+street+9,+My+c...

Android: How often does getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER) return null in real life?

Do the Android users have the chance to reset the NetworkProvider, so that the location will be null? I came up with the idea, that its only possible to have that location null, after starting the device the very first time. But also than google will check the location right away for my opinion. Sure, I'm implementing a default locatio...

Bounding Box Calculation in Java

I'm trying to create a method that given a latitude and longitude and range (in miles or km) returns the NE and SW corners of a bounding box? I had a function that I found somewhere but after some testing it doesn't seem to work( see below): double latrange=range/69.172; double longrange=Math.abs(range/(Math.cos(inLat) *69....