
Adding Zoom & Pan for Protovis Dot Chart with GeoScale

var w = 810, h = 400, mapMargin = 30; geo = pv.Geo.scale().range(w, h); var vis = new pv.Panel() .width(w) .height(h) .top(50) .bottom(30) .def("i", -1); var dot = vis.add(pv.Dot) .data(geoPopList) .left(function(d) {return geo(}) .top(function(d) {return geo(}) .radiu...

zipcode distance range formula. Which formula is correct?

I need to find all the zipcodes with a certain range from a zipcode. I have all the zipcode lat/lon in a DB. I have found two formulas online that vary slightly from each other. Which one is correct? Formula 1: def latRange = range/69.172 def lonRange = Math.abs(range/(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(zip.latitude)) * 69.172)); def minLat = ...

Using SQL Server spatial types in SSIS data load

Hi there, I am trying to load a file using the SQL Server Import Data function - appending rows to an existing table. my existing table is created like this: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[load]( [Long] [varchar](50) NULL, [Lat] [varchar](50) NULL, [Geog] AS ([geography]::STGeomFromText(((('POINT('+[Long])+' ')+[Lat])+')',(4326))) )...

Struts2 or Django for GAE and future scalability

Hi, I am developing location based service. FYI, the database will expand vastly as time and location are the variables. I am considering GAE for initial deployment. I am open for any of python or java based development. While calculating the scalability, I am getting confused. I never thought of scalability before as I haven't worked on...

Calculating geospatial distance with radians

I have a method in an API that takes a lat/long coordinate and will find other coordinates within a specified distance. That distance is in radians. All the math I do these days deals with accounting or maybe x,y coordinates for laying out UI elements, so I appreciate some help validating these numbers. Lets ignore people in buildin...

When I do Geospatial querying in MongoDB, how do I also return the distance from my desired point?

for post in db.datasets.find({"loc":{"$near":[50,50]}}).limit(10): How do I get the distance between the document and "50,50"? ...