
What is the best way to read GetResponseStream() ?

What is the best way to read an HTTP response from GetResponseStream ? Currently I'm using the following approach. Using SReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(HttpRes.GetResponseStream) SourceCode = SReader.ReadToEnd() End Using I'm not quite sure if this is the most effecient way to read an http response. I need the output ...

Client not able to contact the web-server over wireless n/w - through CODE

//code in the client HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(""); WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); I have a LAN setup with two machines in my workgroup. - (that's the client) - (that's the web server) The above piece of code works perfectly fine in a sim...

C# GetResponse gives "optional resource assembly" error - Win Mobile 5

Hi I am a newbie to CF development in C#. My goal is to insert data via web service call; Upon successful insertion, my client will get an XML status ok. I am using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse - and StreamWriter/StreamReader to write/read data into stream. The code and error message are posted below -- any idea how to fix this? ...