
GH-Unit and Objective C++

I have an iPhone project that uses GHUnit to conduct unit testing. Recently, I've needed to implement complex numbers and overload some operators to ease the calculation of FFTs. The goal here was to create a clean way to perform an FFT without the overhead of all the possible functionality that libraries like FFTW uses, and in this se...

GH-Unit and "Undefined symbols" error

I'm using GH-Unit for my unit tests. I've set it up according to the instructions, but I'm getting an "Undefined Symbol" error on this line: #import "GHUnit.h" #import "ChecklistAppDelegate.h" @interface TestAppDelegate : GHTestCase {} @end @implementation TestAppDelegate - (void)testStoringProperties { ChecklistAppDelegate *appD...

GH-Unit for unit testing Objective-C code, why am I getting linking errors?

Hi there, I'm trying to dive into the quite frankly terrible world of unit testing using Xcode (such a convoluted process it seems.) Basically I have this test class, attempting to test my Show.h class #import <GHUnit/GHUnit.h> #import "Show.h" @interface ShowTest : GHTestCase { } @end @implementation ShowTest - (void)testShowCreate {...