
Java - Store GMT time

Hi, i have a question: My server has GMT+7, so if i move to another server has another GMT timezone, all date stored in db will incorrect? Yes Q1 is correct, how about i will store date in GMT+0 timezone and display it in custom GMT timezone chosen by each member How i get date with GMT+0 in java ...

Which php date and time tools to use for GMT offsetting

It appears there are many ways to approach date and time massaging in php. I usually am only every dealing with local time. Today, I need to work in UTC. I am querying against an API, the data they give me about an arbitrary record is: created: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 21:44:49 +0000 * Documented as 'UTC record creation time' utc_offset: -28...

ASP.NET / SQL Timezone mystery

Setup: Windows Server 2003 / SQL Server 2005. ASP.NET 2.0. IIS 6. The site I'm working on uses ASP.NET Membership and when a user is created it is inserted into the aspnet_membership database. All servers are set at Central Time. I also verified this by doing a Select GetDate() on SQL Server and it returned central time. However, w...

JDBC Timestamp & Date GMT issues

I have a JDBC Date column, which if a i use getDate is get the 'date' part only 02 Oct 2009 but if i use getTimestamp i get the full 'date' 02 Oct 2009 13:56:78:890. This is excatly what i want. However the 'date' returned by getTimestamp 'ignores' the GMT values, suppose date; 02 Oct 2009 13:56:78:890, i end up getting 02 Oct 2009 15:5...

gmt or without gmt

this might be stupid question, but ill ask anyway. do i really need to implement gmt on site to get proper timestamp on a post? well im building a site like twitter. my feeds are working fine and showing me the time i need, like it shows "posted 11 minutes, posted yesterday, posted 5 days ago.. " just like this site, so i was thinking ...

J2ME Get current time zone

I have a j2me application and it needs to get the name of the current timezone and send it off to the server. However, the only format that I seem to be able to get the phone to give me is "GMT-5:00". What I want the application to do is return the timezone's name (EST, PST, etc.) I iterated over the string[] returned by TimeZone.getA...

user datetime setting as GMT, how to convert date to their localized setting?

In my users setting I have a dropdown with all the GMT dates for the user to select. In c#, how would I convert a datetime stored in the database to their GMT time? The time stored in the database is the servers time. ...

"DateTime.Now" - why does it return GMT?

I am running on a Win2003 server, TimeZone set to (GMT -06:00) Central Time. I am programming with VS.NET 2005, f/x 2.x. When I execute the following code I do not get the expected results - but only when it is on the PROD server. Any other machine appears to work correctly. _response.Timestamp = DateTime.Now; Is there a setting hi...

How to determine UTC offset from server timezone?

I've found many examples about UTC tables and php date methods to convert it, but I still miss a simple way after got server date, to converting it into an user timezone selection on my web page. On this page I've found a clear guide to understand the range, but I don't know how to connect for example "Europe/R...

NSDate - Convert Date to GMT

Hello, I need the ability to convert a NSDate value to a GMT Date. How can I go about converting a NSDate value to a GMT formatted NSDate value, independent of what ever date locale settings the iphone is using. Kind Regards ...

Offset from GMT standard time

Does Unix store the offset of the machine from GMT internally? like for eg:india standard time is GMT + this 5:30 stored some where? i need this to use it in a script like below if[[ off is "some value"]] then some statements fi ...

iPhone CurrentTimeZoneOffset from UTC

Is there a way to get the offset time zone for a given date. For example, if I am in New York and I pass in 12-12-2009 4 PM I would get back "-4" as we are 4 hours off GMT. (In .NET land there is a function to do that off the DateTime class. So I'm guess Cocoa has it too?) Ian ...

Is there a function in c# which returns date&time when given GMT values(-12 to -1 and 1 to 12)?

Is there a function in c# which returns date&time when given GMT values(-12 to -1 and 1 to 12)? EDIT: I have a Dropdownlistbox which contains all GMT values.. Now i want to display date&time of a selected GMT value.... ...

Using Lambda expressions to order a list by GMT date

I have a list that contains dates that are in GMT format. What is the most elegant way to ensure that the following Lambda expression orders on the date field as GMT? ProductsList.OrderBy(Product => Product.Added).ToList(); ...

can 2 timezone be for 1 city?

I want to know if there can be 2 or more GMT timezones for one city or state. I know there can be more then one GMT timezone for a country, but not sure if it's for state and city too. Share your knowledge please. ...

MySQL query for current GMT time

This sounds simple enough but I haven't been able to figure out how to use a simple SELECT statement to return the current time in GMT. I have been trying to use CONVERT_TZ() to convert NOW() to GMT based on the server time zone and the GMT time zone but for some reason it returns NULL when I put in the text time zones. The only way I g...

Difference between UTC and GMT Standard Time in .NET

In .NET, the following statements return different values: Response.Write( TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime( DateTime.Parse("2010-07-01 5:30:00.000"), TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time"), TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("GMT Standard Time")) ); // displays 7/1/2010 1:30:00 PM ..and this... Respons...

What's the recommended way to store current time using PHP and MySQL?

My initial approach was: $current = time(); // save this to column CURRENT_TIME with column type VARCHAR //retrieve it like this $retrieved = mysql_query(....) //assume query for getting the stored time value $time = strtotime($retrieved); I have come across the following approaches: use gmstrftime to handle gmt use INT instead of ...

How I can I convert timezones in Perl?

I am trying to convert a date/time GMT 0 to GMT -6 in Perl. For example, a DHCP Server lease time is in the following format: 2010/02/18 23:48:37 I am trying to convert that time to the Localtime zone (GMT -6) but need it to honor Daylight savings time. The script below may be overkill, but I am not sure how to proceed from here...

Custom date time picker for Windows Forms that is locked to GMT time

Using Visual Studio 2008, c#, .net 2.0. I have a Windows Forms client application that contains a scheduling UI section, currently this is housed only in the London office with the standard datetime picker control, the selected time is saved in a UK database (GMT) and a London based server aapplication processes the schedules. There ...