
Downloading Spreadsheets From Google Docs

Hello, I am working on an Android app that uses the gdata-java-client to download documents for display only. So far I have an application that authenticates with the services and displays a list of user documents. When the user selects a document another query is made for the documents itself. A request for txt, html, rtf and doc file...

Accessing Picasa from Android - Google Data APIs

Hello everybody, it seems that I'm not the first one, but I don't find anything that helps. I'm new to Android and would like to develop a real simple photo sharing app (three tabs: camera, gallery and upload to Picasa) to start off. Unfortunately the Google Data APIs for Java, don't run on Android and I didn't find a good tutorial for ...

accsessing picasa using android

Hi , I am trying to access picasa from android , i have tried to run following sample code but i am getting only one thing over here , and there is no options to select google accoun...

Help with Google Code Issue Tracker API

Long story short: I'm trying to post comments and create issues onto Google Code via an Android App called Abugadro. I followed a very similar piece of code here: When trying to post a comment onto the API, I've gotten various errors like 403 ...

2-legged OAuth with google-api-java-client

Does anyone know how to use 2-legged OAuth with google-api-java-client? I'm trying to access the Google Apps Provisioning API to get the list of users for a particular domain. The following does not work HttpTransport transport = GoogleTransport.create(); GoogleHeaders headers = (GoogleHeaders) transport.defaultHeaders; headers.setAppl...

Retrieve Youtube most viewed, most rated video details using - Google API Client Library for Java

Hello experts, I have been searching for getting some solution using which I can easily get precise information regarding - 1) Youtube Most Viewed Videos 2) Youtube Most Rated Videos 3) Youtube Search I know that this can be done with ease using gdata-java-client. But, my requirement is that, I need to get the aforesaid three details...

access photos from picasa in Android using goodle apis

Hi , I an trying to fetch photos from picasa album in android , i have used following link as a reference But in the above example i think user can only access ALBUMS , what i want to access photos also , which...

How to retrieve youtube thumbnails using Google API Client Library for Java

Hello experts, I would be obliged, if you could kindly let me know the means by which I can retrieve the youtube thumbnails using Google API Client Library for Java, similar to the way in which we fetched thumbnails using gdata. List<String> thumbnails = new LinkedList<String>(); for (MediaThumbnail mediaThumbnail : mediaGroup.getThum...

Youtube support in google-api-java-client vs gdata-java-client

Hello, I'm trying to use the google-api-java-client (I suppose this is what is referred to as 2.0) for writing an android application for youtube. (gdata-java-client (1.x) does not support android, I understand). I have loooked through the youtube documentation as well as the sample provided in "youtube-jsonc-sample", which only queries...

Cant get Maps featureFeed to work

Hi, I am having a real issue retrieving map features from the features feed through the new java api on Android. Although i can get a featrureFeed containing an id and title (from a specific MapFeed), as soon as i add in FeatureContent to the request (for getting the placemark details) FeatureFeed.executeGet() returns with a '400 bad r...

How do I create classes that represent complex xml tag structures in google-api-java-client

Using the google-api-java-client I have gathered that the library parses the xml based on the classes you create and the keys you make. For example: if you have the following XML: <entry test="ok"> <link name=""/> </entry> Then you could have these two classes: public class Entry { @Key("@test") public String test; ...

Autocompletion in android - for youtube search

Hi experts, I hope my query is quite clear from the title itself. I need to implement the auto-completion for youtube(video suggestions in a list as the user begins typing). I need this feature for one of my Android activities. Experts, please advise as to how to get these auto-completion list as i start typing. Any help in this rega...