
Google Chrome extention modifying page request

Is it possible to catch the request of a page before it is sent out? I would like to check and modify the data sent out. For example if I have a text box on a page and the form was submitted I would like to get to the data of the text box using the extention modify it and then send it on it's way. If any one can point me in the right d...

Update a greasemonkey script in chrome without reinstalling?

Is there a way to do this? I just want to be able to save, refresh the page, and have my changes show up like I do in Firefox. Having to drag it over and install it every time gets annoying. Any ideas? ...

Chrome Extension for Amazon Cloud

Hi, Is there any extension for chrome which is similar to Hybridfox or Elasticfox? Regards, Allahbaksh ...

Determining HTML5 database memory usage

I'm adding sqlite support to a my Google Chrome extension, to store historical data. When creating the database, it is required to set the maximum size (I used 5MB, as suggested in many examples) I'd like to know how much memory I'm really using (for example after adding 1000 records), to have an idea of when the 5MB limit will be reac...

Do content scripts still run if javascript is disabled on a site?

If I disable javascript on a site using Chrome's javascript settings, does this prevent extensions from running content scripts on it? ...

Avoid HTTP auth popup in a chrome extension (digest)

Hey, I'm currently developing a chrome extension, I need to access some http-auth protected resources (webdav). The HTTP auth is using (in the best case) a digest authentication. I'm able to do the auth directly in the ajax request using the https://login:[email protected]/path/to/ressource form. The issue is : if the login/password...

How to detect when action popup gets closed?

I want to trigger some code when page action or browser action popup gets closed. I tried listening to onunload and onbeforeunload events on <body> or window but they never fire. ...

Controlling tabs in a Chrome extension

Hi, I am new to the world of creating Chrome extensions. My extension will not require any type of UI. I would like the extension to run in the background and take note whenever a new tab is created and when a tab is closed. Later on I'd like the extension to do other things but I'll be happy with just receiving tab "close" and tab "...

How to secure an API key in a Google chrome extension?

I'm working on a Google chrome extension that basically hits our API to do a search and lists the results. We'd like the extension to have elevated API privileges (i.e. so it has access to data a regular user doesn't, and doesn't have the usual 200/requests a day limit), but we're not sure how to secure the API key used by the extension...

Accessing iframes from a Chrome content-script extension

Hi, I'm writing a Chrome extension that needs to alter a popular web app when loaded. Unfortunately, most of the UI of that web app is rendered inside an iframe, and although the address of that iframe matches my content_scripts match declaration, the user script only gets invoked for the top frame. Q: Is there a method of accessing HT...

Google Chrome Extension Javascript Unexpected Token Illegal

This may seem familiar, but I can't find anything about it...sure I've found stuff about "Unexpected Token Illegal," but these circumstances don't relate enough for those solutions to make sense. I have my background page, like so: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Chrome extension to append tab index to title

I am trying to create a simple extension in chrome that appends the tab index number to the tab title. This is my first attempt at creating an extension so I don't have much experience. I would appreciate it if someone could point out what I am doing wrong. { //My manifest.json "name": "Tab Selector", "version": "1.0", "descript...

Tracking non-idle time spent on active tab in Google Chrome for a given domain

I've never done any Chrome extension development for, but I'd like to monitor how long a certain tab is active showing a page originating from a given domain. Where should I start? And perhaps there is already an extension tool for this? ...

How to export (dump) WebSQL data

I'm working on a Chrome Extension that uses WebSQL to store historical data. Being WebSQL, the DB is stored on the client. I'd like to add an option to export/import such data so that the user can share/use this data with other users, or with other PCs. These are my first steps on a client-only database, so I wonder how to do this. I ...

Cocoa: Obtaining an image that's displayed in another application

One Google Chrome extension displays a window with an image once in a while, how can I get the image from it with Cocoa? Basically there is a window and image inside it, and I need that image for my program. Thanks for reading! ...

Chrome Extensions and loading external Google APIs Uncaught ReferenceError

Right now I'm in the process of creating a Chrome extension. For it, I need to use Google's Calendar Data API. Here is my manifest.json file: { "name": "Test", "version": "1.0", "background_page": "background.html", "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["<all_urls>"], "js": ["jquery.js", "content_script.js"] } ], "permissio...

Stack Exchange API compliant request throttle implementation on Google App Engine Cloud inrastructure

I have been writing a Google Chrome extension for Stack Exchange ( It's a simple extension that allows you to keep track of your reputation and get notified of comments on Stack Exchange sites. Currently I've encountered with some issues that I can't handle myself. My extension uses Google App Engine as its back-end ...

Closing popup window created by Google Chrome extension

I'm trying to create a Chrome extension that is a replacement for the Delicious bookmarklet. I know there's already an extension that does it, but the problem with that extension is that after you bookmark a site, the popup window stays open (as opposed to using the bookmarklet, where the popup closes itself after submitting the form. I ...

How to trigger click "new tweet" link in new using JQuery?

I'm developing a chrome extension for users. I need to trigger click event for the "new tweet" link using jQuery (javascript) but I couldn't can anyone help? $("#new-tweet").trigger('click'); // not working :( ...

Page variables in content script

Hi everyone, Is there any way to retrieve a page's javascript variables from a Google Chrome Content Script? Thanks in advance! :) ...