
Google Closure Compiler with jQuery applications

I have a lot of time invested in jquery and a large application built with it. Recently I've been reviewing Google Closure Library, but at this time have found it to be not nearly as elegant as jquery. I believe it may have some potential and will look into it more, but for now I intend to continue using jQuery as my base framework. How...

Integrate Google closure compiler with Eclipse IDE?

Does anybody know how to integrate Google closure compiler with Eclipse IDE? The thing I was trying to do is to configure Google closure compiler as a external tool for Eclipse IDE. Then I would be able to run closure compiler within IDE and minify my Javascript files with single click. Have anybody solved this problem yet? ...

External jQuery in Google Closure compiled JS?

My markup: <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script src="/js/mycode.closure_compiled.js"></script> My code: goog.provide("mycode"); = function () { jQuery("#ajaxSpinner").show(); jQuery.get("/ajax/foo", function () { /* ... */ }); } I want to compile my code with advanced o...

@const in javascript?

I was reading when I noticed in the Constant section with the annotated comments: /** * The number of seconds in each of the given units. * @type {Object.<number>} * @const */ and then the guide goes on with "This allows the compiler to enforce constant-ness." ...

Does Google Closure support multiple "packages" of Javascript files?

Say I had 1 MB of compressed Javascript, all combined into one file using Google Closure. Now 500 KB of it is only needed for one section of the site. So I want to combine & compress the Javascript, but separate it into two packages: Package A - 500 KB - used across the site Package B - 500 KB - used only in one section of the site ...

Google closure compiler and teamcity / tfs

How to make teamcity and/or TFS 2010 to run closure compiler for js files in a project. There are 2 reasons for using closure compiler: error/warning detection js minification/obfuscation - optional ...

Use Google Closure Compiler as a library instead of a script

Is it possible for me to write my own Java Main Class that calls methods in compiler.jar. I would like to make multiple calls to the compiler and do not want to write code to use Runtime.exec and also do not want to have to wait for Java to load up before every call. ...

Is it possible to use Closure Compiler ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS with jQuery?

I keep getting errors that the function (renamed) does not exist for the given object. Is there a release or setting or something to make it work? ...

compiler.jar compile list of files simple in one exec

Is it possible to provide a multiple source files each with their own destination file in a single command? That way Java won't have to load up for each file I compile. I am using SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS. I know there are better ways than the one at a time,, but they all seem to require code modifications which I take too much time for the...

WARNING - dangerous use of the global this object

In Google Closure Compiler I get the warning WARNING - dangerous use of the global this object Here is an example. The error line and offset refers to the beginning of the word this function aToggle() { if(shown) else toggle.hide() $(this).text(shown ? 'Click to hide' : 'Click to show') shown = !shown...

Best way to define a configuration object using Google Closure

I love how Google Closure compiler will optimize symbols in code. However, I have not found a good way to define public, exported functions that take configuration objects as parameters. Consider this code snippet: goog.provide('foo'); goog.require('goog.dom'); /** @typedef {{ * id : string, * clazz : stri...

How do I get the Closure Compiler to stop complaining about union types when calling a function?

I'm seeing this in particular when using the jQuery-1.4.3 externs file. The javadocs for that reads /** * @param {(string|number|function(number,number))=} arg1 * @return {(number|jQueryObject)} * @nosideeffects */ jQueryObject.prototype.width = function(arg1) {}; I have a call that looks like this: var w = $(window).width(...

Why won't the Closure Compiler enforce function signatures for objects returned from anonymous functions?

I'm creating objects with private/public access restrictions as commonly promoted by Crockford. For example, I have something like this: var foo = (function() { var myPrivateVariable = "whatever"; return { myPublicFunction:function(str){ return str; } } }()); If I issue a call, ...