
How do you access an authenticated Google App Engine service from a (non-web) python client?

I have a Google App Engine app - It has a page - mylovelypage For the moment, the page just does self.response.out.write('OK') If I run the following Python at my computer: import urllib2 f = urllib2.urlopen("") s = print s f.close() it prints "OK" ...

How to think in data stores instead of databases?

As an example, Google App Engine uses data stores, not a database, to store data. Does anybody have any tips for using data stores instead of databases? It seems I've trained my mind to think 100% in object relationships that map directly to table structures, and now it's hard to see anything differently. I can understand some of the ...

Is it possible to update a Google calendar from App Engine without logging in as the owner?

I'd like to be able to use the Google Data API from an AppEngine application to update a calendar while not logged in as the calendar's owner or the a user that the calendar is shared with. This is in contrast to the examples here: The login and password for the calendar'...