
How does Google Instant work?

Any ideas on exactly how the new google instant search works? It seems to just be AJAX calls to the old search, but it's pretty hard to simplify Google that much. Anybody have speculations? EDIT: I know there is AJAX sent with each keypress, but is it predictive? Or do you think it's just a regular ol' google search? ...

How does Google Instant change the referer sent by the browser?

If you click on a result in Google Instant, the referer sent by your browser to the destination website contains a bunch of parameters, including the all important q=[autocompleted query] But you're coming from a page whose URL is simply with a bunch of stuff after the # character, i.e. as an on-page anchor. So t...

Transparent text box underlay

I'm looking to clone the Google Instant "underlay/type ahead" type look, where what the system is predicting is grayed out and infront of what you are typing. The technical part of it I am completely sorted, as well as representing the text. I simply am unable to work out how to do the CSS positioning and transparent textbox over the to...

Instant search considerations

Hi, I've started working on a basic instant search tool. This is a workflow draft. User presses a key Current value gets passed to the function which will make an Ajax call to a web service Web service will run a select on a database through LINQ-To-SQL and will retrieve a list of values that match my value. I will achieve this by u...

google instant search on lynx

Just curious, since google search uses a lot of JS and AJAX, would it ever be possible to make instant search work on a text browser like lynx? if yes, what would it take? ...

How to disable Google Instant Search from within http url query?

Some of my programs send direct queries to Google and then parse the HTML results - for instance Unfortunately, it seems that since very recently, when sending such queries to Google, the "num" parameter is ignored because of Instant Search. No matter what, only 10 results are ...