
Ruby library to generate graphics from text?

I'm working in Rails and I'm looking for a library/gem/plugin to generate a graphic from text. Google Maps doesn't allow you to overlay text, only graphics so I'm looking for a back door to overlay text. Suggestions? ...

Geo Proximity Search

There is requirement in application which states that find out all the objects that are bounded to specific country and/or city into the google map. We have objects with respective latitude and longitude precalucated using google map api and stored in database. Some times these objects are provides service withing certain service range/...

Flex equivalent of Google Visualization Geomap (choropleth map) ?

The Google Visualization Geomap component is a choropleth map of continents, countries and regions, with colors and values assigned to specific regions. Although it is rendered with Flash, it can only be accessed and customized via JavaScript or GWT API. Does anyone know an alternative Flash/Flex component that I could easily embed into...

Tile scrolling / preloading (Google Maps style) of HTML layers with Ajax

I am looking to replicate the panning (not necessarily the zooming) effect of the Google Maps API, but without the images. Essentially, I want to position HTML elements in a large coordinate system and be able to navigate around them, Prezi style (though without the rotation). Preferably, I'd like to preload the elements dynamically thr...

Google maps showing route and distance between 2 locations

I'm working on a profile-website which shows the location of people using google maps. I've implemented google maps and now it shows where the person you're viewing lives and where you live. The code is here: var map = null; var geocoder = null; function initialize() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { map = new GMap2(doc...

How to get distance from Google Map API from server side ASP.NET 2.0

I am working on a project which requires a server side access to google map api. i want to calculate distance (actual distance, not straight line). google map api supports javascript and not please give suggestions ...! ...

Window settings for Google Maps widget

I've got a plain-vanilla google maps widget sitting in a page and I'd like it if the driving directions opened up in a new window instead of taking over the current window. Is there a setting for this? ...

Determining if a marker is visible in Google Maps

I am developing a Google Maps application and I've run into this problem. I need to remove all markers which are out of bounds from the map. Is there any simple way of doing this, besides keeping an array and looking at the latlng of each marker? I cannot use MarkerManager because I have way too many points. I don't want to use clearO...

google maps not working anymore at the drop of a hat

2 days ago, I was working on a project that involves google maps. The website showed the maps on the pages just fine. Now, I come back to my workstation, nothing has changed, expect for the fact that the google maps won't show up anymore. The code is identical, nobody has touched my machine since I was gone, I've checked the html, every...

google Maps getDistance without loading the page

Google maps has a function that lets you retreive the distance between two points: getDistance(), of the GDirections class. Now, this is Javascript, so it'll only be able to calculate once the page has loaded. My search form however, has the ability to indicate what's the maximum distance you want between yourself and another person an...

math related PHP question + latitude

I found a function in a PHP page that calculates the number of miles between 2 points, but it's faulty. It's supposed to work with google maps, but the difference in distances are ranging from 1.3 to 1.65 times further in google maps(which is more accurate). Here's the function: $M = 69.09 * rad2deg(acos(sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2...

How to animate a custom Google Maps marker along a route?

I have written a small application for a handheld device using JavaScript and Google Maps API's, now II need to move my marker icon anywhere on the map along a route using a timer function. I have a man icon and I need to move it automatically on the map. How can I do this? ...

GoogleMaps API in Java

Hi! Is there a good performant way to use GoogleMaps in Java Projects without using i.e. a SWT Browser. I just know of the SwingX Toolkit ( which has a quite good implementation, but it can only use OpenMaps (not the same functionality as GoogleMaps) or the Nasa BlueMarble. thanks in advance Lukas ...

Google's GeoCode XML Response - Understanding the response...

Hey guys, throughout google's GoogleMap API, the standard coordinates formating is Latitude first, then Longitude, i.e: -33.4487470,151.3425040 Why is it that, in GeoCode's XML response, the data is backwards in the coordinates node? i.e: <coordinates> 151.3425040,-33.4487470,0</coordinates> Also, could anyone shed some light on the...

Synchronizing map markers and gridview list

I have an aspx page that will display a number of locations in a GridView, and want to add a map with markers for each of the locations. The page will have controls to filter the list, and will probably work by setting the FilterExpression property of the datasource. (Other alternatives welcome) What is the best way to synchronize the ...

Google Maps Find Nearest Utilities

How can I find the nearest hospital/fire department or anything like that around a specific city/area? If you go to, then you type "San Francisco", then type "hospital", you will see all the hospitals around San Francisco. Can the same thing be applied using geocoder? Thanks a bunch! Additional Note: I'm trying to use...

Is it possible to limit Google Maps to display only a given country?

Is it possible to limit Google Maps to display only a given country? e.g. I'd only like the UK to be visible in a huge sea of blue. ...

How i add an addListener to GOOGLE MAPS to get MapType

How i add an addListener to GOOGLE MAPS to get MapType ...

ASP.NET code inside Google Maps info window

Clarification: Put simply, I'd like to put an ASP.NET UpdatePanel inside the info window of Google Maps. This would mean that users could interact with my application from within an info window, without refreshing the page and without closing the currently open info window. Does anyone know if this is possible? Update: Thank you to...

Controlling GDirections mini-popup-maps

I am using the Google Maps API to code a campus map for my university. On the main map, when it is being viewed in the "Map" maptype, there is a custom overlay of the campus, which is set (by using GEvent.addDomListener) to be removed when the map is viewed in Satellite or Hybrid mode. When the user gets directions, through my map, to ...