
Is there a Web Service API to the Google Product Search?

I want to call the Google product search and get back a parse-able XML file rather than having to scrape the HTML. I'm not looking for a SOAP based service, but a service that returns XML based on a URL passed in. ...

Android: Accessing the Google Products Search within your Android-Application

I wanna use the Gdata Apis within my Android Application. Being more specific I wanna give the user the ability to search for keywords, use the Gdata api to search for products within googleproducts for these keywords and parse the xml that I get back. I know how to parse xml files via an org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler but I guess t...

Is there an API to Google Products?

I want to get products from Google Product Search. Does Google provide an API similar to Amazon? ...

API/method to create a sub-account in Google Merchant Center

I have a multi-client account for Google Merchant Center ("GMC"). To submit products to GMC, I need to create several thousand sub-accounts (one for each user of the site I'm submitting). Doing this manually is not an option. I can't find any API or way to do this. Do you know of a way? ...