
How to switch to a different view and controller in GWT?

I have a widget written in GWT. In the implementation of EntryPoint, I have the widget load a controller and a view that is tied to that controller. I add this view to the RootPanel and it works fine. public class EntryImpl implements EntryPoint { SimplePanel simplePanel; View view; Controller controller; public final void ...

google transliteration api is throwing exception on use with gwt

I'm trying to use the google transliteration api with gwt but it is throwing an exception on runtime and the exception is: '$' is null or not an object I'm using the following piece of code in the 'onClick' handler in the entrypoint class. Transliteration.transliterate(charList, LanguageCode.ENGLISH, LanguageCode.HIN...

GWT RPC and persistent Java objects

First of all, many thanks to Craig for the excellent answer below which I found very useful when searching my original issue... ref: Building on this solution, how does one overcome the (seemingly GWT limitation) where if i leave my persistable obj...

How to let a GXT grid take up all available width?

I have a grid in GXT, something like this: List<ColumnConfig> configs = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>(); ColumnConfig config = new ColumnConfig(); config.setId("type"); config.setHeader("Type"); config.setWidth(50); configs.add(config); config = new ColumnConfig(); config.setId("text"); config.setHeader...

Creating Apps In Google Web Toolkit, Hosting Options?

So i have been looking into GWT and it does look pretty interesting as i do have experience in programming in java and being able to create webapps does look very interesting to me. I have looked at some of the basic tutorials and have got GWT working in my eclipse environment. Now, If i was to begin creating webapps with it how would i...

How to organize a GAE + GWT project with multiple modules

Hi, i would like to know if someone can recommends me a tutorial to organize my project, or if can explain me how can i do it. In my project i need this modules: a) Core (entities classes + daos) b) Backend (gwt module where the users can admin their app data, the user must logu in) c) Widgets (gwt module that loads an id in the url an...

Django Not Permitting POSTs From Google Web Toolkit

I'm trying to get Google Web Toolkit to work with Django through GETs and POSTs, following the examples here. When GWT sends a POST, however, Django sends back an HTTP 403. My question is then, is Django set up to not receive POSTs? Is there some setting I need to change? Or is there something wrong with the way GWT is sending the POST?...