
Google Maps API - how can I obtain the latitude and longtitude of the specific country

Does anyone know how I can obtain latitude and longtitude from the Country Name using Google Maps API? ...

How do I get and compare stock quotes from Yahoo! and Google?

How to get a history quote from Yahoo and Google Finance with Perl and save in DB to compare and validate. What´s the best/simple Perl/Windows DB to make this and the Perl/Algoritmo to compare this data? ...

Adding custom function to gmail's web surface to access a WCF web service

Hi, I need a way to extend GMail's web surface in order to be able to send the message body of the currently selected emails (multi select) to my WCF .Net web service. Is there a way to accomplish this in a secure way? I need it to be available only by me and other colleges I trust. Thank you. -- Hudgi ...

Any way to NOT index certain keywords on page?

If I have a page that I want to be indexed, and searchable. But I have a certain keyword(s) on my page that I do not want indexed. Is there a way to do that? So that people searching for keywords on my page that I think are assocated with me, will find me. But if people are searching for keywords that happen to be on my page, that are ...

Implementing most popular web searches

Does anyone know a way to retrieve most searched Google (or other search engine) topics onto a site? For example list most searched topics. (without using third-party pre-made widgets or iframes) ...

suggestion for placing tracking cookie just like google adword

I have a contact us form in our website which would send out an email to the site admin when submitted. I would like to know from which site the user has landed onto this page and how many unique users have come here and such things... I have used Google Analytics but it sends out only information on the adword that the user has clicked....

map.setUIToDefault(); error

below code is working fine in fire fox and google chromo but in Internet explore 9 is not working. its getting error in "map.setUIToDefault();" var map = null; var geocoder = null; if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById('map_canvas_big')); map.setUIToDefault(); map.disableSc...

Is ASP.NET (webforms) Incompatible with Google Website Optimizer Multivariate Testing?

I've been stuggling all morning trying to get a multivariate test going in google website optimizer. I've copy and pasted the header/footer code into the pages, and setup a basic page section just to see that everything is working. When I try to validate the code its failing saying "No sections detected on test page TestSectionName -...

Programming using Google

If i use google and other people's code to create a great piece of software, is there a problem there? that all i know is how to join pieces but i do not care how the pieces work? ...

Google Map icon (pin) - how to define color?

hello, is it possible to change color of pin placed on google map creatted by it's api? or have to use custom icon to do that? it's google map api v3. tnx in adv! ...

Hybrid demo not returning oauth request token

I'm having a lot of trouble getting started with creating a google apps marketplace application. I've tried numerous demos, including the php hello world example you can download from google. In every case, the openid portion works fine, but oauth is failing. I've tracked it down to the hybrid openid/oauth request not returning an oa...

Google JSAPI performs strange after loading body of the document

Hi. Following code: <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> function loadGoogle() { google.load("jquery", "1"); function OnLoad(){ alert("Loaded!"); } google.setOnLoadCallba...

Problem with description of my site and google search

My HTML page : <meta name="description" content="فارس سوفت الاسم الرائد في عالم البرمجيات العربية" /> When I search for my site name "فارس سوفت" using google, the description contains my description and the error message of my contact form. why ? ...

Google webFont API browser compatibility

I was going through this: (Which BTW I think is fantastic) And was wondering how compatible its is with older browsers? And specially with good ol´ IE 6... Thank you very much! ...

Is it possible to write custom text on Google Maps API v3?

Is it possible to write custom text on Google Maps API v3, next to marker? or i can use only info window to do that? ...

how is google able to provide free calls to US/CANADA from gmail?

Hello, Could anyone help me understand how the server/PBX mechanics would work for Google free calls trough gmail. Do they host hundreds of phone lines across the country and link them with VoIP. To they have a central location and preferred pricing from the telecoms. Basically, I would like to replicate part of this functionality for a...

Can I allow indexing (by search engines) of restricted content without making it public?

Hi, I have a site with some restricted content. I want my site to appear in search results, but I do not want it to get public. Is there a way by which I can allow crawlers to crawl through my site but prevent them from making it public? The closest solution I have found is Google First Click Free but even it requires me to show the c...

Google SSL security

I need to implement some search functionalities in my app and want to use Google SSL. Can the ISP still see what you are searching by analyzing the querystring? If so then what's the point of this service? ...

Google Chrome extension relative path

Hello folks, I'm developing a google chrome extension and I'm running into a relative path problem. If I give a relative path to an image and open the plugin in a certain page it will look for that image in the website's path rather than the extension's. Any ideas? thanks, fbr ...

Google Map wordpress plugin

I am having trouble with a plug-in for word press which has very little documentation about it. I am working on and where ever the marker is, it has NO ACTION on click, whats strange is that a pop up appears if I install this plug-in on another theme/install. I was wondering if anyone with Google map API knowledge can ...