Hi everybody,
I've been working on an AES CUDA application and I have a kernel which performs ECB encryption on the GPU. In order to assure the logic of the algorithm is not modified when running in parallel I send a known input test vector provided by NIST and then from host code compare the output with the know test vector output prov...
I have huge huge matrices and i want the output of the matrix to be of the same size as input matrix just with each cell getting sum of numbers from adjacent cell
Can you guide me how to approach it on GPGPU platform using CUDA
I'm working on some GP-GPU code on an OMAP 3530-based platform and I'm being stymied by the lack of a glGetTexImage function in openGL ES 2.0. Since the platform uses integrated memory for the GPU, I was wondering if there's any kind of hack I can do to get a pointer directly to an allocated texture in memory. This way I could read my ...