
Javascript degradable cascading dropdownlists

Hi all, I have 2-3 list within a form that rely on each other. If one is changed an ajax call is made and the others are loaded. I was wondering if any of you knew of a method to make this dropdownlist js degradable. Thanks ...

Depend on Javascript/AJAX?

In quite a few answers to questions related to sending requests to servers, I see the use of Javascript/AJAX being advocated. I'm still kind of a purist, in the sense that I try to develop sites that fully work without the use of Javascript/AJAX first and only add it to decorate the user experience. I assume that quite a few people tha...

Dropdowns with 10 thousand possible values and sequence-important dropdowns vs. graceful degredation.

Background I have this form that uses javascript exclusively to search through ~5k entries (suppliers) and populate a select dropdown from them (factories, ~10k entries). Right now, it's a javascript-required form. I'd like to make it so that javascript errors no longer render the form unusable, but the number of entries and the seque...

What is the difference between Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation?

I'm confused on what the difference is between Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation. To me they seem like the same thing. Can you please explain to me the differences between the two and in which situation I would use one over the other? ...

Detecting pinch in Android

I would like to handle pinch events in my Android application to zoom in and out. I believe Android 2.0 has multi-touch functionality, and heard that Android 1.6 might or might not support it depending of the device. What's the best way to detect pinch events, while degrading gracefully for devices that don't support it? I'm targeting ...

How to write backwards compatible HTML5 ?

I'd like to start using HTML5's basic features, but at the same time, keep my code backwards compatible with older browsers (graceful degradation). For instance, I'd like to use the cool CSS3 properties for making rounded corners. Is there any available tutorial for writing gracefully degradable HTML5 ? Additionally, what browsers shoul...

Best way to detect that HTML5 <canvas> is not supported

The standard way to deal with situations where the browser does not support the HTML5 <canvas> tag is to embed some fallback content, usually a polite version (and sometimes a less polite version) of <canvas>Your browser sucks</canvas> But the rest of the page remains the same, which may be inappropriate or misleading. I'd like some w...

How to build Graceful Degradation AJAX web page?

I want to build web page with "Graceful Degradation". That is, the web page functions even javascript is disabled. Now I have to make design decision on the format of AJAX response. If javascript is disabled, each HTTP request to server will generate HTML as response. The browser refreshes with the returned HTML. That's fine. If javasc...

Support clicking a link, but sending a POST (vs GET) to the server, without Ajax?

I'm thinking this isn't exactly possible, but maybe I'm wrong. I'm simply torn between those who believe that only POST requests should modify data on the server and people that relax the rule and allow GET requests to modify data. Take this situation. Say you have a table, each row is a row in the database. I'd like to allow them to...

How Does Rails 3's "data-method='delete'" Degrade Gracefully?

Rails 3 does some cool stuff to make Javascript unobtrusive, so they've done things like this: = link_to "Logout", user_session_path, :method => :delete ..converts to <a href="/logout" data-method="delete" rel="nofollow">Logout</a> But it just occurred to me.. When I turn off javascript the method isn't DELETE anymore, it's GET as ...

Memcached - how to deal with adding/deploying servers

Hi everybody, How do you handle replacing/adding/removing memcached nodes in your production applications? I will have a number of applications that are cloned and customized due to each customers need running on one and same webserver, so i'll guess that there will be a day when some of the nodes will be changed. Here's how memcached ...

How can I check if a particular jQuery UI function is available and use a different function if it isn't?

I'm writing a jQuery plugin and I would like my code to take advantage of the jQuery UI show(effect, [options], [speed], [callback]) and hide(effect, [options], [speed], [callback]) functions, which allow you to show and hide elements with a nice animation. However, I'd also like my plugin to degrade gracefully if jQuery UI isn't availa...

AJAX form vs PHP-only, I'm concerned about graceful degradation

I've got a PHP-driven site that has a recordkeeping form. The user chooses a battle in the first dropdown, then the winning side in the second. Currently the winning side options are only Side 1 , Side 2 corresponding to which was listed first in the battle setup. The submission has an "are you sure?" step to make sure they have a chance...

how do I ensure graceful death in rails?

I am new to ruby and rails but seem to be getting the hang of it better than I expected... So I have a few instance methods, within which calls to ruby gems are made. When one of them throws an error, how do I get that to gracefully pass back to the client? Either let it keep going if it can and display an error message, or die and giv...

Is progressive enhancement a current issue anymore?

There are couple of things I hear in defense of progressive enhancement. Javascript is off or not available. According to W3School's Javascript statistics, 95% had Javascript enabled January 2008 (2.5 years ago). The trend, based on those stats, seems to be that Javascript enabled browsers are on the rise. Heavy AJAX adoption has probab...

overriding pseudo styles in jquery

How can I overwrite the below css with jquery? (the animations aren't being run and it's just an instantaneous switch) menu span ul {display: none;} menu span:hover ul {display: block;} $('#menu span').mouseenter(function(){ $('#menu span ul').slideDown('fast'); }).mouseleave(function(){ $('#menu span ul').slideUp('fast'); });...

How do I make my UI 'degrade gracefully' with Javascript disabled?

I've read in multiple posts on SO that if users have Javascript disabled, ideally your page should 'degrade gracefully'. I'm not sure in general what types of things should be done to make this happen. I have a blob of HTML for configuring a 'schedule'. Depending on the value of a select box, different fields are shown. <select name=...

Javascript error when I switch to gracefully degrading Javascript: zoomImage() not found

When I switch this: <div class="zoom"> <a href="javascript:zoomImage();" class="btn-zoom">view larger image</a> </div> to this: <div class="zoom"> <a href="/zoomimg.jpg" onclick="zoomImage()" class="btn-zoom">view larger image</a> </div> I get an error that the zoomImage() function couldn't be found. Here's an example page: http:/...

Progressive enhancement / Graceful degradation and web applications

Hello, I am building a web application that uses a lot of Javascript. Now I am wondering does it make sense to make the application work without Javascript? I can understand for normal websites that you want to make sure everybody can use it but can you say the same of complex web applications? I checked out some big web apps and it se...

Is it sometimes ok NOT to Degrade Gracefully?

I am in the process of building a video sharing CMS that uses lots of jQuery and ajax for everything from rich UI effects to submitting and retrieving data to and from the database. When JavaScript is disabled it everything falls apart and 90% of the functionality doesn't work. I am beginning to think its ok to not degrade gracefully fo...