
Future prospects after completing University course

I've been programming since I was about 17, admittedly I wasn't the strongest programmer at the time but I've buckled down and now I'm comfortably completing assignments in my 3rd year of University. I was in a Computer Games Programming course but promptly switched to the generic Information Technology course with a heavy emphasis on pr...

Datamining? and how can I perform it on my website ?

Hi I’m preparing my graduation project from computer science, I made this website and its running perfectly but my supervisor requested me to apply data mining on the website. But I don’t understand what I should do. The website is a social network, each user will have a profile and blog and access to some e-books that required you to be...

Graduation project ideas- Computer science

I need your help in my graduation project idea, I am interested in Networking and Embedded system, so Any ideas! ...

I Need A Graduation Project Idea in Computer Engineering

Hi Everyone. I am a computer engineering student, and this is my last year, i need some ideas for my graduation project in computer engineering, that includes software and hardware. Fields for the project that i think about are embedded system, image processing, networking, and communications. My skills are: C, C#, HTML, CSS, Java scri...