
configuring apache with webdot

Hi, I would like to automatically generate image from *.gv files in a browser. I am using webdot CGI script to do this. This works with URLs like these: http://localhost/cgi-bin/webdot/path_to_file/ location of the CGI script: http://localhost/cgi-bin/webdot/ file to render: /path_to_file/file.gv rende...

What can I do to prevent text in a dot graph from flowing outside the box?

I'm making a graphviz neato graph, but the text in the longer labels goes outside the boundary. Does anyone know why? Check it out yourself: ...

visio like adge aggregation in graphviz

Can graphviz do edge aggregation like visio ? meaning something like o | ------------- | | | | o o o o and if not does any other java tool can ? Our customers are used to this kind of layout and I cant find the way to do it using graphviz Thanks, Guy ...

Graphviz or Dynagraph for Graph-manipulation Program?

I'm looking into writing a program that will show a graph to the user. The graph will change over time (the user should be able to right-click on a graph item and ask for more detail, which will pop out new bits of the graph), and the user might be able to drag parts of the graph around. I would ideally also like to be able to specify th...

How can I use the Graphviz macro in XWiki 2.0 syntax?

The XWiki FAQ gives an example for XWiki 1.0 syntax: {graphviz:type=dot}digraph G {Hello->world}{graphviz} My XWiki is properly set up to display this. But I'm not able to translate this into XWiki 2.0 syntax. I tried this {{graphviz type=dot}} ... {{/graphviz}} and other variations, but the best I got was about "graphviz" not bein...

Why is graphviz drawing two arrows, and using a weird order?

Why is graphviz drawing two arrows from uncap_spike to peel, and why is it drawing peel to the right of hang? I want uncap_spike -> peel -> hang -> spike, in that order, with one edge between each. digraph hangers { compound=true fontname="Gill Sans" node [fontname="Gill Sans" shape=box fillcolor=white style="rounded, fi...

Why is graphviz drawing C to the right of B?

Why is graphviz drawing C to the right of B? I want it to look like A B E C instead. digraph { compound=true subgraph cluster_1 { a -> b } b -> c {rank=same b -> e } } ...

Get graphviz to draw nodes above edges.

Is there any way to force graphviz to always draw the nodes above edges even if the edge is drawn over (or preferably under) the node? So far I have tried ordering them and different layer options but not found a way that works. ...

Control layout using graphviz twopi

I am trying to draw a graph showing search prefixes using twopi. I have a simple input file and am getting this output: (full image) Here is the input file: digraph search { // ordering=out; // color=blue; // rank=same; // overlap=scale; rankdir=LR; root=root; ranksep=1.25; overlap=true; "root"; a [color=none,fontsize=12]; b [...

How to control node placement in graphviz (i.e. avoid edge crossings)

Hi, I'm using graphviz (dot) to generate the graph you can see below. The node in the lower left corner (red ellipse) causes annoyance as its edges cross several edges of the adjacent node. Is there a way to restrain node placement to a certain area? Thanks for your ideas ...

subgraph cluster ranking in dot

I'm trying to use graphviz on media wiki as a documentation tool for software. First, I documented some class relationships which worked well. Everything was ranked vertically as expected. But, then, some of our modules are dlls, which I wanted to seperate into a box. When I added the nodes to a cluster, they got edged, but clusters se...

How to draw a better looking Graph (A4 size) in Dot?

Hi, I have this project that it's due in a few hours and I still have a report to write... The project has nothing to do with Dot, but we were asked to draw a Graph with Dot, which I did. It looks something like this: The longer arrows represent smaller weights and the shorter arrows re...

graphviz segmentation fault

Hi I'm building a graph with many nodes, around 3000. I wrote a simple python program to do the trick with graphviz, but it gives me segmentation fault and I don't know why, if the graph is too big or if i'm missing something. The code is: #!/usr/bin/env python # Import graphviz import sys sys.path.append('..') sys.path.append('/us...

GraphViz: which graph library to use?

I've just started developing a small C++ program using GraphViz's graph library and noticed there are actually three different API's: libgraph, libcgraph and libagraph. WTF? I would like to know what is the difference between them, which one to use and where to look for API documentation. I have looked at the GraphViz documentation and ...

Graphviz DOT arrange Nodes in circles, layout too "compact"

I'm halfway there please see the edit OK here's my problem, I'm generating a graph of a python module, including all the files with their functions/methods/classes. I want to arrange it so, that nodes gather in circles around their parent nodes, currently everything is on one gargantuan horizontal row, which makes the thing >50k pixe...

Graphviz files and graph ismomorphism

The problem is the following: given two bipartite directed graphs represented in .dot files, is there a tool which can check if the two graphs are isomorphic? ...

How to "check for overwide node(s)." in graphviz dot file

I'm trying to generate a large graph using graphviz. I have a generated text file with nodes defined in the dot format. When I try to generate a PNG file from the file using dot -Tpng:cairo graph.txt > graph.png I get the error message: Error: Edge length 136228 larger than maximum 65535 allowed. Check for overwide node(s). How ...

using graphviz with qt

hi , i have a compiler project and i want to print the ast after the compile complete so can i print this ast to qt (on c++) panel using graphviz ? note : i dont know if there is a binding between qt or c++ and graphviz , so if it doesnt work please help me to find the alternative . thanks . ...

How do I only show some nodes (edges) on graphviz and not others

I have a very complex graph, and there is no way that I can show it all and understand it. I need to make simplified versions of it showing only some nodes and not others. I don't just want the other nodes to be invisible, but to really be absent (so that the graph is simplified). The solution would be to make a graph with only some la...

Drawing reflexive edges in State Machines

I have to draw a small finite state machine that has some reflexive transitions (meaning the start and the end state of the transition are equal. The problem is that rendering that in Graphviz has ugly results. digraph finite_state_machine { edge [fontsize=11]; S0 -> S0 [label = "td=1\n-/e2"]; S0 -> S1 [label = "td=3 \n-/e3" ]; S...