
Using to send email on rails

Hi guys, I've been sending emails on my application (ruby 1.8.7, rails 2.3.2) like this{UserMailer.deliver_signup_notification(user)} Since ruby use green threads, there's any performance advantage doing this, or I can just use UserMailer.deliver_signup_notification(user) ? Thanks ...

Which scripting languages support multi-core programming?

I have written a little python application and here you can see how Task Manager looks during a typical run. While the application is perfectly multithreaded, unsurprisingly it uses only one CPU core. Regardless of the fact that most modern scripting languages support multithreading, scripts can run on one CPU core only. Ruby, Python,...

Tkinter locks python when Icon loaded and tk.mainloop in a thread.

Here's the test case... import Tkinter as tk import thread from time import sleep if __name__ == '__main__': t = tk.Tk() thread.start_new_thread(t.mainloop, ()) # t.iconbitmap('icon.ico') b = tk.Button(text='test', command=exit) b.grid(row=0) while 1: sleep(1) This code works. Uncomment the t.iconbit...

How long does it take to create 1 million threads in Haskell?

What I understand, Haskell have green threads. But how light weight are they. Is it possible to create 1 million threads? Or How long would it take for 100 000 threads? ...

What other systems beside Erlang are based on "Green Processes"?

I was reading this informative page on Green Thread (Wikipedia) and I wonder: what other programming systems rely on "green processes" beside Erlang? Edit: " Green Thread != Green Process " Green Process based Erlang Inferno Green Thread based Go Native Process based C, C++ Updated: Nobody answered the question directly and...

What's the difference between "green threads" and Erlang's processes?

After reading about Erlang's lighweight processes I was pretty much sure that they were "green threads". Until I read that there are differences between green threads and Erlang's processes. But I don't get it. What are the actual differences? ...

Technically why is processes in Erlang more efficient than OS threads?

Erlangs Characteristics From Erlang Programming (2009): Erlang concurrency is fast and scalable. Its processes are lightweight in that the Erlang virtual machine does not create an OS thread for every created process. They are created, scheduled, and handled in the VM, independent of underlying operating system. As a result, process...