What are the advantages of using GridGain's GridExecutorService to execute jobs remotely vs using the @Gridify annotation?
You can pass an instance of java.lang.concurrent.ExecutorService to your class and have no dependency on the grid framework but do you lose any functionality?
Has someone a working example with sample code. I integrated the plugin as described in http://github.com/linoj/gridify. I see the grid header but no data. i have verified that I am sending data from the controller. Anyone has answers or a complete sample that is download-able?
In my rails app, I am setting up my own admin with the help of http://github.com/linoj/gridify. That works really well with one exception: HTML gets rendered in the table view which blows the cells up like crazy. I use
in my css which helps against other formatting trouble.
I still need to either get rid of...