I have three columns containing two expanders in left and right columns. When both the expnders collapsed, I need to arrage the content in the middle column on the full window. For that I need to calculate the gridlengths.
For Example
GridLength w1= new GridLength( 20 );
GridLength w2= new GridLength( 50 );
GridLength w3= new GridLengt...
How can I convert int to System.Windows.GridLength in VB, NET so that I can set the height of a grid row in Silverlight (xaml).
In xaml file:
<RowDefinition Height="0" x:Name="rowerror" />
rowerror.Height = CType(30, System.Windows.GridLength)
This as I wrote in VB.NET. I know I'm wrong, but how do you do if the int to...
I create some control in codebehind and would like to set its size dynamically.
I can assign numerical values as well as System.Windows.GridLength.Auto, but there is no equivalent to "*".
Is that because the "*" from XAML gets translated into code when the WPF gets parsed?
To give this some detail: There is a grid with three rows. I wan...