
GridView ASP.NET Sorting

I have an ASP.NET GridView that just won't sort! I'm sure that I am missing something pretty obvious. Page.aspx <asp:GridView ID="TimeAwayGridView" runat="server" AutoGenerateSelectButton="False" AutoGenerateEditButton="False" AutoGenerateDeleteButton="False" AllowPaging="False" AllowSorting="True" CssClass="gridview" OnSortin...

Why doesn't my gridview's column click toggle the sort direction?

Why doesn't my gridview's column click toggle the sort direction? It seems to only sort the rows the first time I click on it, any other clicks just refreshes the page w/o any change in sort direction. btw I have a OnSorting method that I call to update the sql query to sort. My Code: <asp:GridView ID="gvReport" runat="server" AutoGe...

WPF Listview SORT and FILTER performance issue

Hi all , I have listview with custom sort and filter implemented on it...It is textbox based filter , as user types in, items in the listview are filtered. Now...when i apply sort on listview, filter is very slow because each time custom sort compare method is called for each item in listview while filtering... how I can avoid compa...

.NET / WinForms - Clear a Sort on a DataGridView

What is the proper method to tell a DataGridView to stop sorting? I have a "screen" where I tell the grid programatically to sort by column 4 and ascending. When I switch to another area I want the same grid to come in 'default'/no sort. I'm removing all the columns and adding new ones. The sort remains on the 4th column. I don't see a...

Ordering Columns in a DataGridView alphabetically

I am using a DataGridView control in a VB.Net application where columns are being added dynamically to a DataTable which is being created in code. I need to order some of the columns alphabetically by name. E.g. Name, Surname, House Number, B, D, A, C I need as... Name, Surname, House Number, A, B, C, D the columns are as they are n...

GridView sorting without JavaScript?

When "AllowSorting" is true on an GridView, it just makes the headers with a SortExpression clickable. Trouble is that it does this with JavaScript links - so with JS turned off you cannot sort the columns. Before I go and write my own HeaderTemplate to use Querystrings instead of JavaScript, am I missing an easier way of being...

How to sort Current Page Rows of Gridview only in

Hi! I have a requirement that, I have a GridView with paging, which has 5 pages. If i click on any column then rows present in current Pages have to Sort. If i navigate to other row i need to display as it is. This should developed in ASP.NET using C# Please help me. Thank You.............. ...

GridView does not display correcty sorted Data when i click column

Date column does not display in sorted in GridView using In sql server the select query is returning records in sorted manner or in order by. But for some reason GridView does not display properly. it goes to an event preRenderComplete then it binds automatically Protected Sub Page_PreRenderComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByV...

gridview default sortexpression

Hi, Has anyone managed to extend a GridView with default sorting? This seems pretty trivial to me but i can't get it done. The idea is to add a property DefaultSortExpression to a Server Control that inherits GridView. Calling Sort() performs an additional select, we don't want that. Setting this.SelectArguments.SortExpression seems...

Sorting table data with JQuery, table has columns with dates and dollar signs, which plug-in is good?

I have to sort a table and looking for right plugin. Some of the columns have dates and some have currency signs($) as shown below. Are there any JQuery plugins available for sorting this kind of data. ...