
Running a JUnit test from Groovy Console

How can I use the Groovy Console to kick off junit tests? (Currently using Groovy 1.6.0) ...

How do you configure GroovyConsole so I don't have to import libraries at startup?

I have a groovy script that uses a third party library. Each time I open the application and attempt to run my script I have to import the proper library. I would like to be able to open GroovyConsole and run my application without having to import the library. ...

Listing subclasses doesn't work in Ruby script/console?

This works: >> class Foo >> def xyz() >> Foo.subclasses >> end >> end => nil >> class Bar < Foo >> end => nil >> class Quux < Bar >> end => nil >> => ["Quux", "Bar"] But this doesn't. User is a class in my application. >> User.subclasses NoMethodError: protected method `subclasses' called for #<Class:0x20b5188>...

SoapUI Groovy Scripts

Hi , I'm trying to read the incoming request & set the mock response depending on a value comming in the request in soapUI 3.0. I use the following groovy script for this. def typeElement = mockRequest.getContentElement().execQuery("//ProductType"); def records = new XmlParser().parseText(typeElement[0].xmlText()) if (records.text()==...

Beginner Groovy Question:

Hi there, I'm following the code examples in 'The Definitive Guide to Grails' by Graeme Keith Rocher, and have come across a rather unusual stumbling block. Essentially, 2 domain classes exist - Bookmark & Tag. Bookmark: class Bookmark { static hasMany = [tags:Tag] URL url String title String notes Date dateCreated = new Date() } ...

Groovy conpiler give the output as null null

while compiling a groovy class the conpiler gives me an output nullnull? what does that mean ?i am left puzzled. ...