
Regex to parse querystring values to named groups

I have a HTML with the following content: ... some text ... <a href="file.aspx?userId=123&section=2">link</a> ... some text ... ... some text ... <a href="file.aspx?section=5&user=678">link</a> ... some text ... ... some text ... I would like to parse that and get a match with named groups: match 1 group["user"]=123 group["section"...

The same GroupName for few instances of a UserControl

I have a number of own UserControls on a page. Each has the same type and a radio button inside. How can I force only one RadioButton to be checked? I did next: class myControl : UserControl { [Category("Settings")] public string GroupName { set { radio.GroupName = value; } } } but it doesn't helped. O...

WPF usercontrols on separate tabs: why is radiobutton groupname shared between tabs?

I am using a WPF tab control to present separate repeated instances of a user control. i.e. Tab1 for Item1 settings, Tab2 for Item2 settings, and so on. It appears that the radio button group names are being shared between tabs. What is going on? Simple example: A window contains tabs. Each tab contains a user control. <Window x:Clas...