
How to create a ListBox style which sets the GroupStyle

I have a global style for my WPF listbox and want to customize the GroupStyle. However, this code <Style x:Key="myListBox" TargetType="ListBox"> <!-- ... --> <Setter Property="GroupStyle"> <Setter.Value> <!-- ... --> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style> won't compile, because GroupStyle doesn't have a set accessor. ...

WPF - Group STyle Header never appears

My GroupStyle Header never appears in the combobox.... The Grouping is working fine....It's sole a binding issue but am not able to figure out. <DataTemplate> <Border Background="Red"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=value}" /> </Border> </Data...

How to Collapse / Expand multiple Expander controls depending on Group name in WPF?

What I want to achieve: To collapse or expand all Expanders that share the same group name within a group style. We have a ListBox and another ListBox nested inside it to display child items. The child items ItemsSource is bound to a CollectionView with Group descriptions attached. The group item template is quite simple: <Expander Is...

WPF - Maintain Group Style in ListView

I've got a simple ListView which pulls data from an ObservableCollection and I'm using a CollectionViewSource to a set a GroupPropertyDescription so that my rows appear grouped. I've used the following style to use an expander for each group: <Style TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}" x:Key="listViewGroupStyle"> <Setter Property="Margin...